Give a name to the upcoming DVD

Qth said:
Bloodbath - Christ is not a fashion fading away at Wacken

or maybe...

Bloodbath - Christ IS a fashion fading away at Wacken

What does Norma Jean have to do with Bloodbath?

Anyways, some more...

Stillborn at Wacken
Cancer of the Soul: A Wacken Bloodbath (I like that one)
Waken's Final Feast
Bloodbath: Live Strangulation
Ritualistic Suffocation: Bloodbath Live at Wacken
Bathing in Blood Live at Wacken
The Serpents of the Dead Live at Wacken

or possibly:

On the Ways to the Grave, Nightmares Made Bloodbath Ressurect themselves through Carnage while Breeding Death at Wacken
Zygote said:
Is norma jean death metal???

No. That is one of the reasons I was so confused about the quote he used. But now I know he did know about the song (boy, that would have been a fun lawsuit).

Anyways, the band is basically Christian metallic hardcore. Some interesting stuff. The first album was actual quite decent, certainly better that most of the metalcore crap out there...but still, nothing that special.
Horrible untalented bullshit music, don't even bring them up in this forum unless you're talking about wanting to castrate each member.
christan and metal should never be used in the same sentance, although i do have to admitt, that go that gave the growl tutorial has a pretty good voice, That is if he wasnt singing about pussy shit lol.
Zygote said:
christan and metal should never be used in the same sentance, although i do have to admitt, that go that gave the growl tutorial has a pretty good voice, That is if he wasnt singing about pussy shit lol.

While I am in no way Christian, nor do I have any religion (been an agnostic since middle school) I do not agree with that.

It may seem like a contradiction, but there are so many people out there, everyone has different tastes.

I am a really laid back guy, and if I saw myself walking down the streeet, I would never guess I listen to Dissection or Bloodbath (unless I was wearing a shirt, then I would just be a little confused). All I mean by that is, people say what they want to say in the style that suites them best.

Someone may have a strong religous background, but not care for the subtle singing and boring melodies and instead go for something with a bit more edge. If it works for them, then awesome. May not be my cup of tea, but all that means is I am not going to bother listening to it.

That being said, I am sorry this is so off-topic from the original reason for this thread.
I dont know about that song at all, im not the guy in the growling tutorial.
Using it as the DVD-title was just meant as a bad joke since blakkheim had such a laugh at us not noticing what the guy actually sang, hope you guys realize that.
Lets get back on topic...
winters epilogue said:
While I am in no way Christian, nor do I have any religion (been an agnostic since middle school) I do not agree with that.

It may seem like a contradiction, but there are so many people out there, everyone has different tastes.

I am a really laid back guy, and if I saw myself walking down the streeet, I would never guess I listen to Dissection or Bloodbath (unless I was wearing a shirt, then I would just be a little confused). All I mean by that is, people say what they want to say in the style that suites them best.

Someone may have a strong religous background, but not care for the subtle singing and boring melodies and instead go for something with a bit more edge. If it works for them, then awesome. May not be my cup of tea, but all that means is I am not going to bother listening to it.

That being said, I am sorry this is so off-topic from the original reason for this thread.

the people are pussys enough said...