Give give Vintersorg ONE more chance...


Active Member
Jan 20, 2004
Behind the mist.
I know many people around here who are into folk/viking/black stuff just really don't like Vintersorg. I don't get it... I really do not. I've uploaded his best song, which I personally think is genre-defining when it comes to stuff like Noltem and other acts like that (since Noltem is basically a Vintersorg tribute band). If you haven't heard this song, just give it a listen. I'd like to see what people think...

I give you "I Den Trolska Dalens Hjärta" from "Ödemarkens Son"
what about that new Cronian (or something) project with Dan Swano mixing and ... someone else interesting involved?

edit: someone mail me Odemarkens Son (sp?) and Til Fjalls or provide a suitable, cheap alternative and I'm ALL OVER this band/guy!
Cronian... yeah. Oystein G Brun from Borknagar is in that. Personally I think it'll be some more weird/spacey stuff like a combo of modern Vintersorg and Borknagar.
Yes, his early stuff is folk/pagan/viking majesty, the bit I'm sure throws most people off are the vocals. His clean voice is used a lot and it's likely an acquired taste. Most bands use something much less...let's say unique and powerful than his voice when they do clean vocals and I think it's what holds most people back. I like his voice a lot though and all of his early stuff SHOULD be mandatory for those into folk/pagan metal. Odemarkens Son.:headbang:
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i like Vintersorg, but he is hardly even close to one of the best. CG and OS are both good throughout. But man, Focusing Blur was total garbage.

My fave track would have to be Norrskensdrommar.
Opeth17 said:
Vintersorg is GOD. (there is a pantheon just so I'm not a hypocrite.:p ) Yes, his early stuff is folk/pagan/viking majesty, the bit I'm sure throws most people off are the vocals. His clean voice is used a lot and it's likely an acquired taste. Most bands use something much less...let's say unique and powerful than his voice when they do clean vocals and I think it's what holds most people back. I like his voice a lot though and all of his early stuff SHOULD be mandatory for those into folk/pagan metal. Odemarkens Son.:rock:

You sir, are fucking awesome. Even though these albums are already legendary to me, I often dream about what they would sound like with a more "organic" production... real drums without triggers, a better guitar tone...

Goddamn, it would be too good to handle.
MFJ said:
I often dream about what they would sound like with a more "organic" production... real drums without triggers, a better guitar tone...

Pretty interesting to think about. The drums definitely don't have an organic tone, which is weird considering the style of music, but I suppose I've always taken it in stride and loved it the way it is. Listening to Till Fjalls now and it's clear the man just has an impeccable sense of melody. He has that awesome burly viking voice and creates this beer swinging melodies that I don't see how people could not enjoy. The EP and first two were milestones in my early metal days and have stuck around and cemented their places as some of the best stuff in my collection to this day. I can still remember throwing on Till Fjalls and Borknagar's Empiricism after receiving them for Christmas with snow on the ground and they just floored me. I knew I was going out on a limb and trying a vastly new form of music, but the payoff was huge and they still get me going as much now as they did then. I mean, fuck, the title track to Till Fjalls for example. If you don't bang your head to that, wtf?

I also like Vintersorg's later stuff, but I don't want to get "off-topic" too much, since this really isn't about that phase.:loco: But seriously, "Curtains." I mean, what the hell? It's just absurdly awesomely fun and I love everything he's done, especially Cosmic Genesis, which is such a perfect link of the older and new styles.
Opeth17 said:
Pretty interesting to think about. The drums definitely don't have an organic tone, which is weird considering the style of music, but I suppose I've always taken it in stride and loved it the way it is. Listening to Till Fjalls now and it's clear the man just has an impeccable sense of melody. He has that awesome burly viking voice and creates this beer swinging melodies that I don't see how people could not enjoy. The EP and first two were milestones in my early metal days and have stuck around and cemented their places as some of the best stuff in my collection to this day. I can still remember throwing on Till Fjalls and Borknagar's Empiricism after receiving them for Christmas with snow on the ground and they just floored me. I knew I was going out on a limb and trying a vastly new form of music, but the payoff was huge and they still get me going as much now as they did then. I mean, fuck, the title track to Till Fjalls for example. If you don't bang your head to that, wtf?

I also like Vintersorg's later stuff, but I don't want to get "off-topic" too much, since this really isn't about that phase.:loco: But seriously, "Curtains." I mean, what the hell? It's just absurdly awesomely fun and I love everything he's done, especially Cosmic Genesis, which is such a perfect link of the older and new styles.

Dude, we're exactly the fucking same when it comes to Vintersorg. It's great!!!!

I mean, Vintersorg's older stuff is really influenced by Ulver as far as I know- how couldn't you like it??!!! On the topic of Cosmic Genesis, it just proves that he's a compositional genius. That album is so well put together... it just flows like a fucking river.
this track is pretty good ... I had Visions from the Spiral Generator and that disc did not do anything for me ... what disc is this track off of?

EDIT ... nevermind on the disc question :loco:
MFJ said:
On the topic of Cosmic Genesis, it just proves that he's a compositional genius. That album is so well put together... it just flows like a fucking river.

TRUTH. That is one of the most well put together albums I've EVER heard and why it's one of my favorites.

Oh, and this is like the second time we've gotten all emotional over Vintersorg together, we might as well go over to his forum and declare our manlove for him already and be all OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG if he replies or just start the RC Vintersorg fanboi club consisting of only ourselves and secretly draw hearts around pictures of him.:loco:
I tried to ask him if he was alright with me naming my CD "Runedance", and I don't think he really got the question, even after like 8 posts back and forth. He thought I was worried about copyrights and stuff... not really the case.
lurch70 said:
this track is pretty good ... I had Visions from the Spiral Generator and that disc did not do anything for me ... what disc is this track off of?

EDIT ... nevermind on the disc question :loco:

Lurch, his first three releases are epic pagan/folk metal quite similar to Noltem... Visions of the Spiral Generator is just a good example of his newer stuff, which is definitely not as good (but still good, sure) and is totally, totally different.
Right on, much more "weird ass prog" in the later stuff and much more naturistic/folk-oriented stuff in the earlier songs. Either way, the music has always been total nature worship.