Give it a chance. I love this disc!


24 Hours Ago...
Jan 2, 2005
City beneath the surface
I've read a lot of negative stuff about Evergrey's new effort, Monday Morning Apocalypse, but I checked it out anyway. I've owned this now for well over a month, and I haven't lost interest in it. Actually, it's caused me to explore the rest of their catalog. So, if you're one of those fans that's not diggin' it yet, you might want to spin it some more.

I'm considering myself a new fan here, so I'm not quite sure why some long time fans aren't liking the change of pace on this new disc. I like the older stuff too, but it seems to me that the band just wanted to pick the pace up a little. It's not like the band has put out a St. Anger or anything!

IMO, after hearing the rest of their music, I like what they've done with the new one! I'm actually really looking forward to Evergrey's set now.
edgeofthorns said:
I've read a lot of negative stuff about Evergrey's new effort, Monday Morning Apocalypse, but I checked it out anyway. I've owned this now for well over a month, and I haven't lost interest in it. Actually, it's caused me to explore the rest of their catalog. So, if you're one of those fans that's not diggin' it yet, you might want to spin it some more.

I'm considering myself a new fan here, so I'm not quite sure why some long time fans aren't liking the change of pace on this new disc. I like the older stuff too, but it seems to me that the band just wanted to pick the pace up a little. It's not like the band has put out a St. Anger or anything!

IMO, after hearing the rest of their music, I like what they've done with the new one! I'm actually really looking forward to Evergrey's set now.

That's why I never get scared away from anything jut because of reviews.
I'm a passive EG fan, and I have nothing bad to say about MMA. I think it rocks :headbang:

J-Dubya - Also looking forward to their set @ PP
I think it's the weakest of all the Evergrey discs (except for maybe the debut), but it's still pretty good in the grand scheme of things. Still, it ranks as a dissapointment for me as far as 06' goes.

There's nothing particularly dreadful about it... it just sounds a bit samey to me. I'm making a point of revisiting it soon (after I finish giving some other new discs some spins) and will see if my opinion has changed any.

This is one band that I never thought I would find myself listening to for 1 reason or another. Having said that, a buddy let me listen to tthe most recent cd ( mind you I am not a fan and have not really listened to any back catalog) and I have to say that I really dug it. It was so much better than I thought it was going to be. I will be looking into some of that back catalog.
MMA definatly sounds different from all of their other stuff, but I think thats why it stands out so much. I got it the day it came out, and have yet to lose interest in it. :headbang: :Smokin: :kickass:
FatesFan said:
This is one band that I never thought I would find myself listening to for 1 reason or another. Having said that, a buddy let me listen to the most recent cd ( mind you I am not a fan and have not really listened to any back catalog) and I have to say that I really dug it. It was so much better than I thought it was going to be. I will be looking into some of that back catalog.

I've never been an Evergrey fan either. hrmmm... could MMA be the disc that turns me around? I'd have to hear some of it before I spend money on it. And I know of no one personally who owns it. So it may be two months before I hear anything... at PPVII! :kickass:
edgeofthorns said:
I'm considering myself a new fan here, so I'm not quite sure why some long time fans aren't liking the change of pace on this new disc. I like the older stuff too, but it seems to me that the band just wanted to pick the pace up a little. It's not like the band has put out a St. Anger or anything!

I've had that album since not to long after it came out, and I really enjoy it. I have and listened to all of thier back catalog before this one came out, yet I still enjoy it quite a bit. I presonally thought their debut album was the weakest one (I've listened to just a few times and did not really care for it.)

Exactly, on the St. Anger comment! They could've done much, much worse. But than again, I'd rather take a bad album from Evergrey over a good album, from say, Eminem or Britiny Spears or (name current top-forty crappy mainstream band).

Same thing for Edguy's newest album, Rocket Ride. I do enjoy it, but I've definitly heard better from Edguy (Mandrake comes to mind). Again, rather take that over some of the crap that has been coming out from the mainstream in recent years.
The problem I have with this disc as well as ALL of their albums is that there is usually one or maybe two kick ass songs and the rest of the album is a major MEH.
While this is not my favorite record nor is this in my top 3 Evergrey discs, it is still a solid cd.
I watched the Evergrey DVD - A Night To Remember last weekend, and it made me a true believer in this band! I hope they rock at least half as hard at ProgPower as they do on that DVD! \nn/
edgeofthorns said:
I watched the Evergrey DVD - A Night To Remember last weekend, and it made me a true believer in this band! I hope they rock at least half as hard at ProgPower as they do on that DVD! \nn/
I gave this DVD a stellar 9/10 rating.
I am a big fan of Evergrey and have enoyed MMA since its release date - I was even lucky enough to get one of the 300 signed CDs. It definitely sounds more 'accessible' or 'radio friendly' when played start to finish than the other releases. I think this is generally due to the shorter song lengths and high production values. However, I've recently loaded it into my 6-disc changer with ANTR (2 discs,) RD, TIC, and SDT and have it shuffle playing. the songs from MMA seem to blend well with the previous material IMHO - it's definitely Evergrey. Try it and see what I mean.

I'm very interested to see how the new songs sound live.
I think this album is patheticly mainstream and simple. It is a terrible listen. Way beneath their potential.

I always love when a band shortens and dumbs-down their songs for radio play and then none of the songs get ANY radio play. Serves them right.

Perfect example of why downloading music BEFORE purchasing is a good idea.