Give it a fu**in' rest


Cosmic kicker of Elves
Apr 24, 2005
Balloch, Scotland
How come more than half of the posts on here are either bashing Joey or John? I thought the point of this board was to discuss the band and there music not just bitch about them. It seams its all about 'I like him so he’s gotta be shit' threads all over the place. Can’t we all agree that some like one and not the other, and just leave it at that? I find myself in the minority when I say I like both for different reasons but mainly cause I like Anthrax musically. I’ve grown up listing to the albums an going to the gigs since ATL and I’ve seen all the line-ups since then.
If John and Rob come back or not, that’s the bands decision an not ours. They are always gonna do what makes them happy first, and worry about the fans later.
So until the band make an official announcement about the future, lets just give it a fuckin’ rest and stop bitching about something we all know fuck all about.
we've had alot of threads trying to acomplish ths same thing, what makes you think they'll listen anyway, sure they might read it but they'll keep crying about it anyway, noble effort tho.
maybe they could have everyone who was ever in the band on stage at the same time jammin. it would be like lynyrd skynyrd and everyone would be happy. :rock: . i find it amusing that so many people are bitching. i don't know of any other board where a band reunited with an old member and people threw such tantrums. tisk tisk. looks like a job for the super nanny.
Silent_Scream said:
Pfffftttt the band with John Bush sucks.....thank god Anthrax is back.

Sorry can you help me with this, did they ever leave ?
Thank you for such an eloquent and intellectual reply to this thread !!!! :worship:
Ragman_kd said:
How come more than half of the posts on here are either bashing Joey or John? I thought the point of this board was to discuss the band and there music not just bitch about them. It seams its all about 'I like him so he’s gotta be shit' threads all over the place. Can’t we all agree that some like one and not the other, and just leave it at that? I find myself in the minority when I say I like both for different reasons but mainly cause I like Anthrax musically. I’ve grown up listing to the albums an going to the gigs since ATL and I’ve seen all the line-ups since then.
If John and Rob come back or not, that’s the bands decision an not ours. They are always gonna do what makes them happy first, and worry about the fans later.
So until the band make an official announcement about the future, lets just give it a fuckin’ rest and stop bitching about something we all know fuck all about.

I agree with what you're saying. I think the people that ONLY come on here to bash Joey or John, don't usually stick around too long anyway.
Ragman_kd said:
Sorry can you help me with this, did they ever leave ?
Thank you for such an eloquent and intellectual reply to this thread !!!! :worship:
Yes They Left, And Look at the Attention there getting now that there back
Even the Anthrax Scare back in 2001 only got them little air play. Put the original line up in and Everyone comes out. I have been in the metal scene for over 25 years and I had no clue Anthrax was still around till I heard about the Reunion and this board. Maybe they would be good with This guy John Bush and A different band name.
you've been in the metal scene for 25 years and you didn't know john bush was in anthrax making music? i'm glad they're doing the reunion tour but, we'll see what happens after the honeymoon. hopefully they sustain some type of momentum or they are done. but hey according to you they were done already.
karrokid said:
you've been in the metal scene for 25 years and you didn't know john bush was in anthrax making music? i'm glad they're doing the reunion tour but, we'll see what happens after the honeymoon. hopefully they sustain some type of momentum or they are done. but hey according to you they were done already.

Hey karrokid,
Did you ever get your Stuck Mojo dvd? Have fun at the show on friday!
i reordered my dvd and am waiting by the mailbox (lmao) and i do intend to have fun friday . are you not going ? i have an extra ticket. how can you miss the return of the mojo. at least no one over there is complaining about that reunion ha ha ha !!!
karrokid said:
i reordered my dvd and am waiting by the mailbox (lmao) and i do intend to have fun friday . are you not going ? i have an extra ticket. how can you miss the return of the mojo. at least no one over there is complaining about that reunion ha ha ha !!!

Yeah, it took over two months to get mine(My screen name is Jozfest on the Mojo board) but Rich actually sent it to me after a couple of emails. It is definitely good but I just wish they had more live stuff on it. Most of the live songs are cut short and then they have the guys in Mojo commenting on it. It's more of a documentary of Mojo but it's definitely worth owning though. I can't wait for their next dvd they are making this fall.

I wish I was going to see Stuck Mojo this friday:cry: I couldn't afford to fly from MIchigan to Atlanta, pay for a hotel, buy food and I would have surely spent alot of money on beer too:lol: . Damn house payments always fucking things up :yell: Have a blast dude