Give me a challenge for guitar

Till Fjalls said:
Just thought of another. I would never recommend this to anybody, but I know your picking technique is unnatural beyond sensibility, so I'll say it anyway: King Crimson: Fracture. I've listened to this song so many times, but never really appreciated the insanity of it until I tried to play it. Sure, it sounds absolutely beautiful (in the darkest way possible), but I would consider it one of the most difficult songs to play that I've ever seen. It's funny, because the left hand technique is pretty simple (though unorthodox, since it has a lot of whole tone scale melodies), while the right hand is flying around non-stop. At inhuman speeds....I mean, I've heard many a good sweep picker in my time, but never any who have pulled off anything as complex(picking-wise) as this. Fucking Fripp. One day he'll be revered for guitar playing as Bach or Mozart were for composition.

Well, I'd say Tender Surrender is on par with FTLOG in terms of musical greatness, but I don't ind it to be nearly as challenging to pull off. I don't find Blue Powder as good as those two, but it definitely has some fiucking hard whammy dives and rises to try and emulate. I gotta get a floyd rose some day, instead of my damn customized fixed BC Rich bridge. I only got it fixed recently, and ironically, just after that, I started realizing how important subtle(and not so subtle) whammy phrasing can be to a songs feel.

So yeah, if you want to work on your whammy bar technique, blue Powder is a good route to go. The other Vai songs use it, well, but in a much more subtle way. And as far as I'm concerned, well-performed subtlety is much more difficult than fucked-up-madness (ala-Kerry King, or Vai's wilder stuff)
I hate kerry kings playing .. fucking wanker haha. But then again I hate slayer too, the vocals are too repetetive.
I agree with the fucked-up-madness thing. I've seen way to many people worry about how crazy their playing is before how good their writing abilitys and sound of the guitar are .
I learned a bit of fracture on a buzz one time... spent a few hours but couldn't get the patterns down in my head. I find it's not difficult as far as the playing but remembering what to do with the right hand seems to be hard on this one.
Sorry Im not forming good sentence's I just woke up from a long sleep.
I got my floyd rose blocked.... it's the worse fucking thing I've ever bought and it ruined my guitar.
Around christmas im buying A rickenbacher (sp?).... the same one Thom yorke from radiohead has, im not much into metal anymore and Im sick of the bc. rich sound.
Are you visiting the island for christmas or are you stayin in toronto. Either way im gonna find you and write some fucked up music.
i hear Dream Theaters Metroplis Pt 1. is a pain to play and also Children of Bodom's Kissing the Shadows, i dont play guitar too much, but i would imagine there hard as hell to play
Speed Metal Symphony (Marty Friedman and Jason Becker) - Concerto

Children of Bodom - Hate Me! - the solo is absolutely sick.

I could name so many Satch and Vai songs...
Satch - Midnight, Borg Sex, Ceremony, The Crush of Love, Cool#9
Vai - FTLOG, Sisters, Tender Surrender, Bad Horsie (the tapping solo! o_O
etc. etc.
Crossroad blues---Robert Johnson (The New Transcriptions)Hal-Leonard
Let Us Get Together---Rev. Gary Davis (Stefan Grossmans Masters
Of Country Blues Guitar)
'Ragamuffin' or 'Hot Type'---Michael Hedges(John Stropes Editions,LTD)

These Transcriptions are the closest I have found to the what was originally played.
The Robert Johnson stuff and the Rev. Gary Davis stuff is pretty
tough to pull off correctly.
It took me three months to get Ragamuffin. But it is a fun song to
play on the acoustic guitar. Alternate tunings rule!

The solo to The New Word by In Flames is pretty crazy.

Then you've got most solos by Dimebag Darrell, Andreas Kisser, and Rob Flynn/Logan Madder from Machine Head.

Deep Inside by incubus has a crazy, jazzy, solo that sounds awesmoe.

The Edge is one of the most interesting players when it comes to fingerpicking, so give some of his stuff a shot.