give me some advice with my mix

im 19 and would like to do this as a career

i hope i get some hits on this and get some advice i have alot of questions

my setup right now is a Presonus Firestudio with a Presonus Eureka Preamp running into Nuendo2

my first question would be regarding my mix of the last band i recorded

on my soundcloud play listen to "bring fear to them" or go to

i know the snare is hot and the kick and toms need to be fixed in the mix but i need pointers on guitar and vocals

i recorded the vocals with a rode nt2a through the eureka, guitars with an audixI5 and sm57, the i5 was pointed at the cone and 57 on the edge pointed at the cone... the i5 was preamped with the eureka... the amps were a crate tube amp on the left channel and a spider2 on the right

the bass was DI into the eureka

the snare was miced on top through the eureka... idk the original snare was a shitty aluminum snare and i had the drummer use a pearl maple piccolo but it made no difference at you can hear... drumagog sounded too unreal no matter how much i faded the original mix in and unfortunately i didnt have enough inputs to mic the bottom

i need your advice guys! i just got waves mercury and plan on buying a digimax lt and plan on upgrading to a fireface or something... am i headed in the right direction here?