Give me......

Immortaldemon said:
Would you be able to tell me some thing about the bands before I start getting some Mp3s.

All the bands I listed above play a similar mathcore/hardcore style which is comparable to The Dillinger Escape Plan. They are definitely worth the time to check out....although it may be hard to find some of their material online, it's worth the time and effort in my opinion. I would say that these bands are probally the closest to what you are looking for, that is if you are looking for a carbon copy that is on par with The Dillinger Escape Plan, down to the vocals and all the complex time signatures of a mathcore band.

Oh, and add Botch and Beecher to that list as well, they are similar to Dillinger too.
Botch is teh good. The End is rather cool too.

But, for technical, try the new Ephel Duath (called The Painter's Palette). I'd definitely categorize it as chaos metal.

Also, in a vein somewhere between Dillinger and Nile, try Harakiri.

And this one is something of a stretch, but check out The Postman Syndrome. They're hardcore meets indie meets prog. They have some similarities to tool but with more diversity and they're much heavier most of the time.
What is this Spastic Ink?

Many of you think that I was brought into the world yesterday, (the world of metal that is) so I already know of and have albums by most of the well known ones such as cryptopsy, emperor and meshuggah.

I am on a quest to find a band more technical than DEP somewhere deep in the underground, and when I do my heart will be filled with joy for I will found my perfect musical experience. I am going to try some Elphel Duath.