Can you give me some tech band?

jimbobhickville said:
can you tell me where to check out Sore Plexus? I have never heard of them.

Unfortunately, like most good prog-metal bands, they've disbanded. They added a 6 string fretless bass player to the fold & released a CD in 1999 called Haptephobic
Review @
& an MCD in 1997 called Visual Agnosia

General Info:

They really take full advantage of the word "progressive" on Haptephobic. I was unable to locate any audio via a Google search for ya. I purchased both of these Cds a couple of years ago from Cd Europe. There is a link on the Spastic site.

This is a cool site for full length out-of-print metal LPs (all in real audio).
I just wish there was an identical site for prog-metal...oh, the $ I would save.
The first Sieges Even album, Life Cycle (complex technical metal in WatchTower style), the second and third albums have already mentioned. The last two are not so good IMO, but the new CD is coming before the end of the year, hopefully.

And nobody has mentioned Mekong Delta yet. I recommend Dances Of Death and Kaleidoscope, excellent german technical-thrash.
Wow, sounds like you guys are bored with the new prog metal bands. I couldn't agree with you more. What has happened to prog metal?? There are so few "prog" bands now that even have time signatures other than 4/4 or 3/4.

If a band does something a bit out there rhythmically, then they get the new label "technical metal". Sad but true.
Yeah, I can't think of any new new prog bands that I like...
And even though they are more prog/power, they are still f*ckin heavy...check out symphony X. IMO they have a great blend of musicianship, melody, and composition.
For prog death I really like cynic and atheist.
im not sure if Fractured Dimension is gonna be a Tech Band, but i cant wait to listen to them. Ron is gonna probably play a little on some of their tracks. and alex arellano is their drummer
oh by the way, what are your plans with fractured dimension, Ron?
Yep, I talked to Jimmy Pitts about a year ago and told him that I'd be very interested in playing on their upcoming CD. Jimmy sent me a few tunes with keys and drum programming for reference, but I'm hoping to hear the tracks with the final instruments before I record any solos. A few months ago, I spoke with Alex about the project and he said that things are coming together. It should be a very cool CD!

I also found out today that there's a strong possiblility that I'll be playing on the Death tribute CD being put together by James Murphy.

Also, (off the subject) does anyone here know how to get a hold of Alex Webster, bassist for Cannibal Corpse??

Try Anderson Sartori he's in America at the moment.
You can Either type Evil Heart into the search engine on or follow the link from my signature. and then the links from there.
His stuff isn't just technical .... for me it's perfect
kinda like yngwie mamlsteen but more neo classical