Giving Back to the Sneap Forum: My Band's Free EP (Melodic Power-Death/Maiden+brutal)


Aug 26, 2004
Rochester, NY
I've been a member here for a long time and I cant thank you guys enough for all the information I've learned on this site over the years. And not even for just recording, this forum is just awesome in general and has a ton of great people.

In return, I'd like to share with you guys our EP. I hope you guys find it refreshing compared to all the carbon copies and generic stuff that's coming out of the US

There's a download link in the middle of the page for the whole thing+art, or you can just preview the tracks in the player.

Thanks a bunch and keep it metal!
I was so going to click your link, until I read this line. Wow.
I hope you guys find it refreshing compared to all the carbon copies and generic stuff that's coming out of the US
But, I'm sure all the new Fans you get from here will let me know how refreshing and original your band is.

Have a nice day :lol:
First of all, I like the EP, the production serves well the songs and this is the most important thing. Thanks for the giveaway.

Secondly, THANK GOD, this is not "yet another" [fill in the word here] US crabshitcore, teenage techno dance emo haircuted breakdown band.
You do music like us Europeans and this gives me hope.
Thanks for the free music man. I have only listened to the first song so far and think it's pretty cool. The playing is great. I was dreading pure death metal vocals for the whole song, but the clean singing started in and I was pleasantly suprised.

What amp did you use for the guitars? Live drums or midi drums?
I wondered if that was a Randall, since you posted tracks with a Randall in the rate my tone section in the past. They normally have a reputation of sounding like balls, but it sounds good here.
I just listened to the ep again. Track number two Hall of Nightmares is the best song. I also dig Wreckage of the Damned.

If you release these on a full album later I would put Hall of Nightmares as the first track instead of The Gauntlet.
Yea, unfortunately we are poor just out of college students and didn't have the money to track drums at a studio and just had a big untreated basement to record drums in so ended up using drumagog on all the shells. At first I just did kick and snare but the toms weren't the greatest so they ended up getting slate-ed too

And @ midgetdonkey: I have to fix the player on the page so it doenst shuffle the songs, when you download the ep as a whole Hall of Nightmares is first. People seem to like that song the best!
Nothing wrong with live drums. I'm doing a on-man project (athouh I have singer, drummer, and bassist at the ready) and use midi drums as source for samples, but I can appreciate what you have done with real drummer (less hassle quantizing and humanizing everything)
I think it's cool to see a fellow Rochester dweller on this board. Good stuff, thanks!

I've been a member here for a long time and I cant thank you guys enough for all the information I've learned on this site over the years. And not even for just recording, this forum is just awesome in general and has a ton of great people.

In return, I'd like to share with you guys our EP. I hope you guys find it refreshing compared to all the carbon copies and generic stuff that's coming out of the US

There's a download link in the middle of the page for the whole thing+art, or you can just preview the tracks in the player.

Thanks a bunch and keep it metal! was nice enough to feature us on their webpage!

I think it's cool to see a fellow Rochester dweller on this board. Good stuff, thanks!

Yeah man! That's Awesome!

Nothing wrong with live drums. I'm doing a on-man project (athouh I have singer, drummer, and bassist at the ready) and use midi drums as source for samples, but I can appreciate what you have done with real drummer (less hassle quantizing and humanizing everything)

Thanks! Daniel is a killer drummer and was really easy to record.
Here's some raw digital cam footage (sorry about audio) of him tracking for Blackened Earth.

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That's actually my kit that we tracked with. Its an older yamaha stage custom, with a Ddrum dominion ash snare. His cymbals, various paiste, zildjian.

His actual kit he uses live is an 8 piece 1987 Tama Artstar. Thing is massive, oversized 24" kicks and the toms are super deep (it was made in the 80's of course)