Glad I saw Testament already this year!!!


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
Wow, it's not like they don't do well on their own and need this.......


that is a terrible line up....I hate current Testament. Not catchy as the old stuff.

The latest one is pretty decent actually....

Either way, I have no idea what they are doing here.

They spent the past few years supporting all the BIG 4 bands as they regained popularity in the states. They finally do a couple successful headline tours, and now this??????

I know Skolnik is friends with LOG I think and maybe even played on one of their albums. Could just be a "hey the timing worked, why not" sort of thing, but still............
I saw this yesterday. I don't understand the point of this tour for them honestly. I don't think they'll be gaining any new fans by it either.
I saw this yesterday. I don't understand the point of this tour for them honestly. I don't think they'll be gaining any new fans by it either.

Young mainstream metal fans look at bands like Testament as VH1 Classic Metal. Bands from the 80s is classic rock to them. LOL.....

I will never forget at a Haunted / Bleeding Through / Shai Hulud / Kataklysm show in like 2003, these kids thinking that MANOWAR were a "classic rock" band.

I mean, I guess I can't blame them.
It wasn't til I was older that I truly appreciated bands like Deep Purple, Lizzy, Heep, UFO, MSG, RUSH, etc.... I always liked them, but didn't connect with them back in the day when I was first into metal as I do these days.