Glenn's last minute (video) message for attendees


Mrs. Harvester
Staff member
Feb 17, 2009

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Maybe the people who see this video will take it upon themselves to toss the towels on the floor in support of the Promoter. Even if they don't plan on sitting there themselves. You can bet the dicks who do this year after year are not involved enough with the festival to read these forums or watch the videos.

I agree that running the video at the start of all three days is a great idea...
I’m actually puzzled by the preference for having a seat saved by a person rather than a towel, t-shirt, etc.. For someone who is just taking a break in between sets to visit the vendor room, restroom, or signing line, I’d rather see something in their seat to show it’s taken – rather than walking halfway down a row, only to be told that every single empty seat is being “saved”.

On the other hand, if you save a seat without intending to return for the next band, that sucks – regardless of whether your seat is being saved by a significant other, friend, random stranger – or a towel.
Apparently, the issue is whole blocks of seats being saved with objects.. Normal politeness requires a person in the seat to hold one or two extras. That way, people don't just mark their territory and keep it for the entire festival without actually using the seats for most of the time.

By that logic, a whole row shouldn't be saved by one person of a huge group..
Glenn Schaffer says: :kickass:


Sorry, I couldn't find the original and my photoshop skills aint what they used to be.

Feel free to remove if it's too inappropriate.
Apparently, the issue is whole blocks of seats being saved with objects.. Normal politeness requires a person in the seat to hold one or two extras. That way, people don't just mark their territory and keep it for the entire festival without actually using the seats for most of the time.

By that logic, a whole row shouldn't be saved by one person of a huge group..

If people would just grow some fucking balls and say "oh, you're saving these seats with this giant sheet? No, see, it doesn't work like that. You're not here, I want a seat. I sit down."
Yeah, but us new people don't want someone thinking that we're the dick, so I'm sure I'll just settle for what I can find and wait for some veterans to go Rambo on some sheets.. :)

I generally prefer standing, anyway.. sitting isn't for metal. ;)
I plan on sitting more this year than last. Unless someone is there to tell me a seat is saved, I am going to sit down. No matter what article of clothing is covering the chair.

When the people come back and say "that seat was saved" I will look around and say, "by who?" If they bitch, I will ask them to get security. Let's see what happens next.