GNMD Poll: Top Ten Albums of 1977

1. Parliament - Funkentelechy vs. the Placebo Syndrome
2. The Congos- Heart of the Congos
3. Pink Floyd- Animals
4. Bob Marley and the Wailers- Exodus
5. Rush- A Farewell to Kings
6. Brian Eno- Before and After Science
7. Jethro Tull- Songs from the Woods
8. Goblin- Surprisa
9. Lee Perry- Roast Fish, Collie Weed, and Corn Bread
10. Al Green- The Belle Album
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Reactions: HamburgerBoy
1. Jean-Luc Ponty - Enigmatic Ocean
2. AC/DC - Let There Be Rock
3. Steely Dan - Aja
4. Radio Birdman - Radios Appear
5. The Damned - Damned Damned Damned
6. Dixie dregs - Free Fall
7. The Stranglers - No More Heroes
8. The Sex Pistols - NMTB
9. Wire - Pink Flag
10. Suicide - Suicide
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Reactions: Bloopy
1. Rush - A Farewell to Kings
2. Al Di Meola - Elegant Gypsy
3. Brand X - Morrocan Roll
4. Sai Yoshiko - Taiji no Yume
5. Earth, Wind & Fire - All 'n All
6. Hozan Yamamoto - Silver World
7. The Isley Brothers - Go for Your Guns
8. Goblin - Suspiria
9. Steely Dan - Aja
10. Masayoshi Takanaka - An Insatiable High
Sorry hunny.

1. Goblin - Susperia
2. Fleetwood Mac - Rumors
3. Rush - A Farewell to Kings
4. Jethro Tull - Songs From the Wood
5. Hausu - OST
6. UFO - Lights Out
7. Pink Floyd - Animals
8. Foreigner - s/t
9. Tangerine Dream - Sorcerer
10. Nazareth - Expect No Mercy
The weird part is it's the first time I looked at the rankings that closely. Spideygeek sense.

What happened was that I accidentally forgot to enter zabu's votes. I put down a column header with his name, but held off on adding his ranks because his list wasn't finalized yet. I did the same thing with HamburgerBoy except that I remembered to keep his name greyed out to remind me to add the votes later on, but I neglected to do the same thing with zabu. But now it's fixed, so the real top ten is forthcoming.
#8 Meat Loaf - Bat Out of Hell
Rock Opera, Pop Rock

Hard Rock, Piano Rock, AOR, Symphonic Rock
Meatloaf is the shit
I despise Meatloaf, with a passion. Because at my job, they play the radio, and one time the station played "Bat out of Hell" and the song played for at least 45mins. I don't know if the song is actually that long, or if they played the song 15 times in a row...Either way a horrible experience it was... :ill:
Meatloaf is fucking awesome.
Kill yourself.

Those who voted:
@Slammed #1
@Oblivious Maximus #4
#7 Fleetwood Mac - Rumors
Pop Rock, Soft Rock

Folk Pop
I didn't see this before. Fuck yeah for the Mac! Great album.


Those who voted:
@Krow #2
@zabu of nΩd #2
#6 AC/DC - Let There Be Rock
Hard Rock

Blues Rock, Rock & Roll

Albums I'd recommend as first priority listening would be Powerage, Let There Be Rock, Highway To Hell, Back In Black, For Those About To Rock We Salute You, and Flick of The Switch. If you like what you hear and would like to branch out further, I'd be happy to recommend others.

Those who voted:
@Sirjack #2
@Slammed #3
@zabu of nΩd #6
#5 Steely Dan - Aja
Jazz-Rock, Pop Rock

Funk Rock

Needs some more Steely Dan. Countdown to Ecstasy and Aja are pretty essential.
Steely Dan is a song-oriented band, but not nearly as diverse as Jethro Tull. I'm not sure how you'll like them... but if you don't, then you just have shitty taste, so I can't help you. :p

Those who voted:
@Sirjack #3
@zabu of nΩd #3
@Talos of Atmora #9
@Oblivious Maximus #3
#3 Goblin - Suspiria
Progressive Rock, Film Score

Horror Synth

Oh yeah, how could I have forgotten Suspiria?!?!
That sonudtrack by Goblin is awesome, so creepy and so fitting with the film
Not metal, but classic prog-rock, Goblin scored many of Italian director's Dario Argento's films. The best being the "Suspiria" soundtrack.

Those who voted:
@Serjeant Grumbles N/A
@crimsonfloyd #8
@Krow #1
@Talos of Atmora #8
@Oblivious Maximus #1