Go Sox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:) almost everybody in the New England area is excited right now ... they really took it to the Yanks ... I never would have imagined they would beat em in 4 straight games after being decimated in the first 3
hahaha yes it is we had all but counted them out ... I was absolutely sure they would fuck it all up like they always do hahaha ... its a good thing they didnt there would have been Riots across 4 or 5 states :loco:
she sounds like my Mother lol they still have the whole world series to screw up so I'm sure they will disapoint hahahaha tho the outcome of the WS makes no difference at this point :) ..... oh well thanks for letting me Blab Baseball with ya ... I'm sure you dont give 2 shits :D hahahaha
They havnt played a WS in 18 or so years and they havnt won one in 86 years theres a big long story to that to but I wont go into it .... I'm not a big Hockey guy myself even tho the college here is well known for it ... I dont know to much Ice hahaha it reminds me of Winter .... by the looks of it there wont be a NHL season this year
AngelWitch73 said:
How come ?
the team owners had a lock out some 30 days ago its all about money basiclly ... the owners want more money so they want to have salery(sp)caps the players dont want to feel ripped off ... (with how much they make I dont know how they could) so they have not been negotiating well not at all actually and it doesnt look like they will come to an agreement anytime soon.... I read the news paper way to much :D
sixxswine said:
I would like to see the Red Socks make it to the World Series...
I have been casually watching, I'm no baseball fan, but like basketball,
the playoffs is the time to watch...
They have Made it :) wont know untill later tonight who they will be facing .... I'v never been much of a Basketball fan lol :loco:

In your face Steinbrenner, I say, in your FACE. Johnny Damon just became your daddy.

And let's not forget Cookie Monster Ortiz, Curt Schilling the Zombie Pitcher, Keith Foulke and his nine innings of insane shutout baseball, the invincible Jason Veritek, and so on and so forth...all way to to Alex Rodriguez, the bitch-slapping overpaid pretty boy.

Oh, that was too sweet.
I was so happy. I'm not a Sox fan but anyone who knocks the Yankees or the Braves out of contention is okay in my book. I got called out to work so I had to miss the last few innings but I so wanted to see the crowd's reaction to getting a giant slap in the face. Fuck the Yankees and their fat wallets!
JonnyD said:
the team owners had a lock out some 30 days ago its all about money basiclly ... the owners want more money so they want to have salery(sp)caps the players dont want to feel ripped off ... (with how much they make I dont know how they could) so they have not been negotiating well not at all actually and it doesnt look like they will come to an agreement anytime soon.... I read the news paper way to much :D
Heh, I should have guessed it had something to do with money. To be honest I think sports players get paid way too much these days.
Pyrus said:
all way to to Alex Rodriguez, the bitch-slapping overpaid pretty boy.
Yes, but AROD is the player that Boston practically BEGGED to acquire last offseason. And, when the deal fell through due John Henry's refusal to part with a meager $12million, the heart of RedSox nation was broken.

It's easy to hate Arod now because the Yanks beat you to the punch, but dont ignore the facts: the Red Sox desperately wanted this player.