God damn!

The front page you mean. It has been up for ages. But even there they're now announcing the launch of the new website...wisely without any specific date. ;)
Still I think it's better to wait a little and put the completed site online than just fragments...

mr V
Haha, yeah, and actually everyone who has their own webpage. I never put half-baked things online. Why? Because they usually never get finished then. I'm talking from experience. ;)
Well , I'm using Powertab to transcribe the songs (both bass and guitars , in cooperation with Øystein), I think that's what will get the best results , but I will wait for the PowerTab v2.0 to be released until I put them on the site. Thats mainly because with the current version 1.7 , you need the PowerTab software itself to be able to view the files fully (with both the notes and tablature), or else they will only be available in the txt format (something that equals crap...). With the new version you'll be able to view it fully with Acrobat Reader.

Originally posted by Tyr
Well , I'm using Powertab to transcribe the songs (both bass and guitars , in cooperation with Øystein), I think that's what will get the best results , but I will wait for the PowerTab v2.0 to be released until I put them on the site. Thats mainly because with the current version 1.7 , you need the PowerTab software itself to be able to view the files fully (with both the notes and tablature), or else they will only be available in the txt format (something that equals crap...). With the new version you'll be able to view it fully with Acrobat Reader.


man, that's awesome...powertab rules! thanks alot!