God Forbid - Gone Forever


Dead By Xmas
Feb 5, 2003
Well, What Can I Say....... ALBUM OF THE YEAR? it's got my vote.
This album is an example of a band going in the right direction, not changing what they are to suit their audience or 'where the money lies' like so many bands today.
This album is definately a step foward from Determination with it's production values. The all round sound quality is amazing. Best album i've brought in a long time. Nice to see a band with more than one black person doing well. :hotjump:

Force Fed: 8/10
This track is one of the highlights of the album, just from listening to this first track you can tell what you're in for. Chugging guitar's followed up by melodic guitar leads and harmonies. Coyle brothers offer breath takingly atmospheric yet violent riffs throughout the whole song.
Antihero: 9/10
Probably one of the best track's i've heard in a long time. Lovelly guitar work, amazing drumming, all fits together perfectly. I love the guitars in this piece so much, definately one of the most tallented songs on the album. SOLO SOLO SOLO!!!...... i love the solo in this song, not to long, but perfectly formed and played.. IMMENSE!
Better Days: 7/10
A slightly different song, this song is a good track but is slightly dimmed out by the power of the other songs. Heavy chugging structure, with a softer sang, instead of shouted chorus.
Precious Lie: 7/10
A very fast energetic start, with nice melodic leads. Complex mix between growls and melodic voice,i really like this song, but there is alot better ones on the album.
Washed-Out World: 10/10
Even if you dont like any of the other songs on the album, this song would be the reason to buy it. BEST SONG I'VE HEARD IN AGES!!!.
Fast energetic heavy song, with softer mellowed out chorus'. softer vocals are amazingly beautiful, cant get enough of this song. I knew this was my favourite song of the album the first time i heard it.
Living Nightmare: 8/10
Everything you'd expect from a NWOAHM band in this song, but instead of just trying to sound heavy, there are some perfect melodic parts to this song.
Soul Engraved: 7/10
CHUG CHUG CHUG, nice drumming, slightly ghosts out the guitars though. this song shows how tallented the drummer really is, especially at the beginning. Lyrics and vocals are more brutal on this song, but there is the odd more melodic vocals, reminding me a tiny bit of Zakk Wylde's vocals sometimes.
Gone Forever: 8/10
Very strong title track, fast and energetic, nice roar at the begining. I love the melodic chorus bit to this song, where they mix harsh and melodic vocals at the same time.
Judge The Blood: 8/10
A nice melodic piano/keyboard start, leaves you wondering what to expect from the song, as the majority of the album is prety heavy.
A nice epic riff after the piano/keyboard bit, followed on by the screams and melodic vocals. Alot more melodic vocals in this piece, alot more like a duet than any of the other songs. Forcing the growls to be more backing in places.

Overall: 72/90

The best album i've heard in ages, i highly recogmend you go out and buy it, these guys have worked their hearts out on this album, and it has paid off vastly.

:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
Album of the year??!! I'd hate to hear what you thought sucked. This album is alright..I'd buy it used but not new. No way is this an Album of the year. The vocals are what turned me off.
with new InFlames on the horizon , even it InFlames doesnt get album of the year, it will surely beat this one out, but i do like this album. NEW KILLSWITCH too and Killswitch I think will slaughter this one.
The new God Forbid album rules. I agree with the review fully. God Forbid has progressed greatly. It's something that a lot of bands can't claim.
Haven't heard much of this album, it's alright, not one i'd buy right away and not album of the year, so far the wretched spawn gets my vote for this year, but we still have nine months of great music and albums to go :p

Inflames and Killswitch both suck and Century Media Records has some of the best bands signed with them! Same with Relapse, and Metal Blade and Road Runner.
Cannibal Corpse blow balls.

And Killswitch rule. In Flames used to.

And God Forbid are promising, indeed...

I have spoken.
I have this cd but couldnt get into it after a first listen. Vocals didnt do it for me much.

But I will try again, SINCE YOU LOVE IT SO MUCH. :)