Witchery- Don't Fear the reaper


New Metal Member
May 13, 2006
A solid, but generic outing by Witchery - 72%
Written by cruceno on May 3rd, 2006

First of all if your new to this band expect a very in flames(old) and susperia sound. Though not very original this was a very enjoyable listen.

1. Disturbing The Beast- Love the intro to this album. Starts with a deep pounding beat from Martin Axe. Then slowly drifts in with a nice palm moted riff from Richard Corpse backed by a haunting melodic riff seeping into your ears this is done by Patrik Jensen. Then it goes into full throttle as the dual riff breaks in. After this it slowly fades flowing by a lightly distorded sweeping chord. After this it becomes repetative to lead untill the next song- 9.5/10

2. Stigmatized- The song from the beginning to the end is by far the most brutal song on the album. Toxine vocals are very huanting and push into the black metal spectrum. The double bass is pounding at a steady pace through the song. And the usual melodic riff is repeated with some variation (though very killer). The best part of this song is the nice volume control it fades then blast right back in your ears.- 9.2/10

3. Draw Blood- Overall this is Toxine most brutal display of vocal staying at a much lower tone then usual. This is not the most impressive vocal perfromance though. This song contains a very lame solo the envovles way too much of the wah and incorperated tapping that doesn't seem the fit very well with the general feel of the song.-7.2/10

4. The Ritual- Very unimpressed by this song. Nothing really stands out other then the opening riff, but that can't carry a song. This is so generic it seems like i've heard this song a million times after the first listen. Sounds like the Gothenburg sound so many bands have apted to.- 5.5/10

5. Ashes- This song really made the album for me. I had to listen to it a bunch in order to review for the first couple of times i was to busy head banging to the this song, it's almost irresetible to headbang to it. It contains the most impressive showing of Toxine's vocal as well as Martin Axe. He keeps the steady beat with his all so holy double bass exactly with palm muted rythym guitar. Toxine vocals reminded much of Shagrath (Dimmu Borgir) and so did he added keyboard. The chorus had a continual growl after every verse that i'm sure fans will be chanting to during a live show.- 9.7/10

6. Plague- Nothing special about this song. Very much like Draw Blood and The Ritual. And is very annoying towards the end as Toxine repeast Plague over and over again making it a tedious liten which is never good. I guess it's hard to follow Ashes.- 4.2/10

7. Damned in hell- Goddamn it someone tell Corpse to lay off the wall. He's sounding like Kirk Hammet (Metallica) with his usage on this album. On every solo. Fucking ridicoulus. Anyway another generic song that states the reason why this band never really stands from the rest of the melodic bands out there. Though Axe's pounding was very technical showcasing his true talent.- 4.6/10

8. Crossfixation- They only thing i'll say is a liked the vocals very catchy and deep. Other then the use of the wah pedal there's not much to say other then generic.- 5.3/10

9. The Wait of the Pyramids- This album seems to be filled with hits and misses. Disturbing the beast and Ashes and this song are the only ones that stands out as unique and impressive on this album. The riff is very ripping and slighty catchy, but it's dark personaa realy hooked me in. The sad thing is that two of the most impressive songs on the album are insturmental. Sorry Toxine!- 9.3/10

10. Immortal Death- My least favorite song on this album. It's extremely short, it posses a constant blast beat that never varies, and not much of a guitar work. The vocals do add a plus but then again Toxine has the same voice over and over with know hint of anything that would make you think if you heard this on the radio hey that's Toxine. Cmon make a name for yourslef. - 3.9/10

11. Styx- This and Immortal death seemed very rushed. They're very simple in comparison to the others and they're obviously thrown in at the end to fill the disc. Any way the song is very generic.- 4.3/10

12. War Piece- this song contains the most outstanding showing of guitar work on this album. It starts with a drum part that you would associate with some war beat on the snare. The solo's are very complicated and fit very well with the hard hitting backing riff. One of the better songs contained within this album and yet again another insturmental.- 9.1/10

13. Cannonfodder- they really ended this album with a bang. I really enjoyed this song. Very brutal vocals and drums on this one. The riffs are nothin to special, but damn it heavy.- 8.3/10

Overall this was pretty much a generic Melodic Death album that shows potential of a band that could become a real force within the genre with some unique fine tuning to their sound. I would recomend this to any fans of Witchery and anyone who just loves melodic death metal.