God Was Created cover on canvas 24" x 24" frame

Nov 26, 2003
hes asking $2000

the following is original art created by myself,evildave for the band vehemence's first album entitled, "god was created" on metalblade records. it was done with airbrush and paintbrush on canvas with acrylics in 2002. the painting is in perfect condition and will include a new standard style frame.

if the link doesnt work just search the item number: 7359202194

that would be cool to have but its pretty damn pricey
FuckYouIWantToDie said:
good for him, i hope he sells it. maybe since john is the only one with access to Vehemence's myspace account, he will post a bulletin about this.
you mean noone else in the band has access to your guys' own myspace account? thats gotta be a mistake, who would do that?
You guys are something else lol. yeah. Ken & homeboy, the gang up/let's "speculate" set up shit has got to stop, it was cute before now it is just plain annoying everytime I come to our forum, please no bad blood. The band has access to it now, they never asked before, its about time they got involved to speaking to their fans through the band account instead of their personal ones all the time. I hope some one buys Evil Dave's painting. I did post bulletiens on my personal myspace page and the band's. Everyone should, so Dave get's some dough out of this. That would be great to own. Drawn and Quartered drummer owns their canvas for that Hung Drawn and Quartered album of thiers. Ultimate Metal is being weird, it doesnt let me clean up the deleted messages anymore, says access denied, probably have to go and tell UM guy that everytime someone makes a accidental message and deletes it.
Hey man, that myspace sure is something else, huh? I'm pretty glad I got involved. I talked to NHDMK for the first time since the Cambridge show... that was cool. Thanks for throwing up the bulletin...I've been at it nonstop for like two days...LOL. John, hows things going with J/M.? Keep us updated!
Hey Nathan, yeah myspace keeps you in touch with all the og's, anytime you want. Everyone is on it, now I am sure you can see how much people enjoy your lyrical and vocal work, don’t feel like you missed out on any comments or anything, me printing out emails for you guys to see was pretty much a waste of paper, now you can get the messages straight from the kids, they usually retype what they said long before so, yeah you didn’t miss out on much in that aspect. Yeah and it can be very addicting.

I'll let ya know what I am working on soon, it's a slow process right now but stuff should be up and running within the next couple of months, some of the goals are set pretty high, but I’m sure with the right people they will be achieved just perfectly.