GODDAMN ZOMBIE - 'Flesh Party' now available for streaming or purchase

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey

'Flesh Party' is now available for $1 purchase, free streaming. The purchase will go towards manufacturing the full cd, available October. A ring tone is also available.

FYI, Chris (Calamitas) is on lead guitar, and I'm on rhythm guitars, bass, and backing vocals.

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the general consensus has been pretty bad, so I don't know if you're being a dick and sugarcoating it like I'd expect people on here to do or if you're being honest. Our other songs just get better and better, so be on the look out.
I really dig it Will, if I didn't i wouldn't mix it ....lol Most people just dont "get it". Even those I showed it to are like WTF is this! Then once I got into explaining it they were like oh!!!

I think what I like most about it is that its got a very "Zappa Joes Garage" thing going on, its serious music but lyrically its very tongue in cheek. I really like it a lot! I just really picture Danny Elfman dressed like Rob Halford and I get totally into it!
Yeah, definitely not for everyone, but that's what makes it unique. As for myself, I get it, and I like it! I might have to play "Flesh Party" at my own flesh party coming up on October 15th :D