Gods of Metal fest' in Italy : since I'm too lazy to write a full report...

Fangface said:
And an old man like you should go to bed earlier than 2 PM :D

[/arrogant jackass mode off]
You are right! :D I am beat! At the moment. Don't expectg me to be one line tonight. I'll be in a horizontal state very soon. Truzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. zzzz/Hawk doses of....
what did u think about wasp?

yeah it was probably sister sadie and i think that u MIGHT have forgotten one song... which is what i ll never find from neon god.
i wasnt there , i dont know but this is the typical neon god setlist....
Thanks for your help, but I think I've just found my error : it was "My Tortured Eyes", confirmed by a good friend of mine, a huge WASP fan :)
They didn't play anything from the Neon God, probably because of the short length set.

Anyway their concert was better than 3 years ago at the same festival in my opinion, as Blackie was in top form and the rest of the band was wild, putting on a very intense show! Blackie still has a kinda arrogant attitude but I think it works well with him, he has to be mean on stage. After all he's the "Wild Child" who "F***s like a beast" ;)
The new lead guitar player did a good performance too, it's very fortunate as Blackie's guitar nearly couldn't be heard ahah