Godsmack IV?

Another point I would like to bring up about how fucked up health insurance companys are. I was channel surfing and came accross some reality show abuout a family of Dwarfs, and they said that nobody with dwarfism in the US can get heath insurance because their considered to have been born with a "pre-exisiting condition" and that automatically prevents them for getting any insurance. If this isn't an example of corporate greed, I don't know what is.

If we switched to a free heath care system, we would end up paying about the same per year or mabie a little more for heath insurance, eccept instead of the insurance company fatcat CEO's riding around in their million dollar Yachts drinking martinis, and driving there Farraris, the money can be spread evenly for everyone to use. Also buissness's will also profit greatly because they wouldn't have to pay for there employee's insurance, (Last Insurance meeting I went to, my Employer was paying something like 85%) which inturn would boost there productivity, and allow for better raises, and less cutbacks and layoffs, which inturn would lead to an all out economic boost and on and on...
RobbM said:
Another point I would like to bring up about how fucked up health insurance companys are. I was channel surfing and came accross some reality show abuout a family of Dwarfs, and they said that nobody with dwarfism in the US can get heath insurance because their considered to have been born with a "pre-exisiting condition" and that automatically prevents them for getting any insurance. If this isn't an example of corporate greed, I don't know what is.

If we switched to a free heath care system, we would end up paying about the same per year or mabie a little more for heath insurance, eccept instead of the insurance company fatcat CEO's riding around in their million dollar Yachts drinking martinis, and driving there Farraris, the money can be spread evenly for everyone to use. Also buissness's will also profit greatly because they wouldn't have to pay for there employee's insurance, (Last Insurance meeting I went to, my Employer was paying something like 85%) which inturn would boost there productivity, and allow for better raises, and less cutbacks and layoffs, which inturn would lead to an all out economic boost and on and on...
Too bad your president is too stupid to understand that eh? :lol:
Sounds like somebody's been hangin' around with hippies lately. :lol: But RobbM, you're right.
well, not hang around, but I sorta am one, eccept I don't wear hemp clothes nor am I a Vegan,(Although I was a pothead vegitarian for like 3 years:) )but I strongly believe in their philosophys. If I had lived in the 60's I most definitely would have been a draft dodging, anti-nam protesting, drugged out woodstock hippy :kickass:
All of you fools are the dumbasses that don't know fuckin economics, and free healthcare will never work in America. Half of you are in fuckin Canada, studying Canadian history, so how are you gonna tell me what it would be like in America. I live in Southern California, and illegal immigrants roam the land freely. They are pretty much gonna get amnesty from our president and become legal citizens, so are economy is pretty toast right now. Canada will not get overrun by immigrants because no one gives a fuck about Canada enough to overrun them. If America had free healthcare, all the immigrants would come from Central America, primarily Mexico, and get free healthcare, while all the actual Americans would get fucked over. Citizenship is bullshit in America and would not stop any illegals from getting healthcare, they already get it now for free. The American government feels it is there responsibility to take care of those less forunate (illegals), so free healthcare would only screw over the people who are actually paying for it. So before all you idiots talk shit, get your facts straight. I live in the heart of this problem, while you guys live some 2,000+ miles away. In other states in America free healthcare would do fine, but not in Arizona, California, or Texas due to immigration problems. And to whomever said insurance companies were fucked up, they were right. Insurance companies are fucked up, even to people with born problems (dwarfism) which is not right, but I don't make the law so I can't change that. But I do know that we (Americans) have to deal with this insurance crap, and it is the only way it could work in our current situation. I know people say, "Its cheaper for America to have free healthcare." which is correct, but there are things you don't understand, like immigration problems and determining who gets what type of service. This free healthcare would become basic Communism, as all would be treated equal, in a capitalist society. This means old rich people would get a heart transplant second to a young poor person, which seems right, but money doesn't speak that language. So look at it from my point of view before you go ranting.

Thank you.
I think the one thing your forgetting is that the free heathcare comes from higher taxes on everything, which means even the immigrants will be paying into the system on some level, and so what if Bush makes them citizens, at least this way they will have all the same responsibilitys that we do, including paying all the same state and fereral taxes, and its not like every single immigrant is going to get sick every week and go to the hospital every single week..besides 3 states with some immigration problems arn't enough to off balance the internal budgets of an entire nation, especially if we can stop this so called "War on Terrorism" which has cost the US something like $120 billion so far, and could easily be well over $200 billion by the time the dust settles and its all over. With this kind of money we could easily fence in the entire border if we wanted to and balance a free heathcare budget.
besides, bush has takled about strengthening the mexican boarder to let less mexicans through. is it gonna work? Doubt it, but still, get off your damn high horse. Good, you live in so-cal. like that's the center of the US. Sweet, 3 states out of the 48 continental states have a problem. I'm glad you are so selfish as to fuck over the remaining 45. I'm proud you are an american *rolls eyes... over and over again*

Edit: Also, i don't need to see it from "your perspective" because you have done nothing but show me you are a whiny little cunt who can do nothing but think about why the world revolves around you and your problems. Guess what? I live in washington, part of the US that is away from mexico and, incidentally, very close to canada. I live 4 hours away from canada, and you bet your ass that if i could, i'd "overrun" canada to get FREE FUCKING HEALTHCARE!!! I don't care what canada calls their ham, i give a fuck about their ability to show very basic caring for their fellow human beings, something you obviously can't grasp.

Maybe you should check your facts before being a pee-hole? just a suggestion.
Doomsday Zach, just fuckin cut it out. You always have to keep running your godamn mouth. The world doesn't revolve around me, and I never said that, I am just stating facts. I never said fuck free healthcare, I just said it won't work in America. This is just like the Aids epidemic. Though some 600 million people or something like that have Aids, it won't get cured because it is a poor man's disease. The rich, people who have the power to cure many medical epidemics, would rather have viagra pills then cure the Aids epidemic. So, though free healthcare would be nice, and I wish everyone in America could have it, I am stating that it is a bad idea at this point and time,because it won't work. I know our President spends all of our money on war and shit, but what can normal people like us do about it, nothing. Politics are just a game. So just listen and stop being an ignorant bitch, and realize that though free healthcare is a good idea, it won't work in America. This is a capitalist country, and overall people are individualistic. If we give out free healthcare, immigrants would literally overrun our country for treatment. If we have over 30 million illegals right now in the country, just for work, imagine if they could have free healthcare. Ok, and Bush isn't doing shit to fix our borders, he just says that. Another thing he can add to his sea of lies. People aren't overunning Canada, because it is too far away for people to travel for healthcare, and Canada has a legal code they actually stick to, where they actually check citizenship. So, once again, though I would encourage free healthcare in most cases, right now our economy is in no way to handle it. Just end this shit. And to RobbM, you have made go points, and I understand how you see it, but it will never happen due to many factors including immigration, equality (who gets what treatment), and other things. Finally, not to sound selfish again, but California and Texas alone have about 1/5 of the U.S. population combined, as only 2 states, so there is a large significance. California alone has a larger population then all of Canada. These 3 states (CA,AZ,TX) have a huge impact on the U.S. We got Disneyland, Hollywood, and Russell Allen, so yeah. Its not self-centered, its truth, California, along with Texas and New York have the largest economic impact, California being the largest contributor. It may be ignorant on my part to not fully count all the other states, but economics speak the truth. So, we can keep arguing this, or just resolve it now, as saying though free medical is a good idea, but it won't work and won't happen in America.
"I know our President spends all of our money on war and shit, but what can normal people like us do about it, nothing"

Its called voting...although I'm all in favor of a I.Q. test that people have to take before they vote, and if its say, under 95, you vote doesn't count.
Just because my age you can't say shit. I got a 5 on the world history a.p. test and passed the U.S. government/economics in the college course with a 4 out of 5. So if you want to think I just some fuckin stoner, idiot teenager, go ahead. I don't smoke none of that shit, and keep my shit together in school. That's why Symphony X is my favorite band, and not just heavy nonsense music. Symphony X is intelligent metal with musical properties surpassing all I know in the metal genre. You obviosuly know your shit, and I know mine, though we disagree now and then, you can't disregard someone's opinion because of their age. What if someone discounted Mozart's musical abilities when he was young, just because of his age. I know that is a completely different situation, but you have to understand, how you would have felt if some 25 years old told you when you were 16 that your opinion didn't count. I know for a fact that there are a lot of idiots out there. You are obviosuly not one of them, and I give you full credible opinion for what you say. So, you should give me mine, considering you don't know me, and I could have told you I was any age (within reason) and you would have believed me. I'm not saying I'm smarter than you or anything of that nature, just that you can't ignore someone's opinion by what they look like on the outside (age) but only by what they have to say from the inside.
fallen2289 said:
Just because my age you can't say shit. I got a 5 on the world history a.p. test and passed the U.S. government/economics in the college course with a 4 out of 5. So if you want to think I just some fuckin stoner, idiot teenager, go ahead. I don't smoke none of that shit, and keep my shit together in school. That's why Symphony X is my favorite band, and not just heavy nonsense music. Symphony X is intelligent metal with musical properties surpassing all I know in the metal genre. You obviosuly know your shit, and I know mine, though we disagree now and then, you can't disregard someone's opinion because of their age. What if someone discounted Mozart's musical abilities when he was young, just because of his age. I know that is a completely different situation, but you have to understand, how you would have felt if some 25 years old told you when you were 16 that your opinion didn't count. I know for a fact that there are a lot of idiots out there. You are obviosuly not one of them, and I give you full credible opinion for what you say. So, you should give me mine, considering you don't know me, and I could have told you I was any age (within reason) and you would have believed me. I'm not saying I'm smarter than you or anything of that nature, just that you can't ignore someone's opinion by what they look like on the outside (age) but only by what they have to say from the inside.

The reason why your opinion doesn't count isn't really due to you age, but rather the fact that you have not even lived yet, you haven't experienced the real world for what it is. You haven't lived on your own, had to pay real bills/taxes or work for a living. You haven't had to worry about medical bills or health insurance,401ks, how your going to pay for rediculous dental bills (because dental insurance is a fucking joke) or anything of that sort...because all you have to worry about is passing your AP exams, get a high score on your SAT's, and finish being a child.