Godspeed You Black Emperor

I love GYBE! I have a few amazing live shows of theirs and have been meaning to check out A Silver Mount Zion for a while. Thanks for reminding me to check them out.

By the way, I think it's nice there this section was added to UM. Excellent idea for when people don't feel like listening to metal. There is a ton of great non-metal out there. :)
I've bought "Lift yr..." a couple of weeks before and the rest of their albums have now become top priority (there go my money again... ). These guys (and girls) are amazing. I'll try to check A Silver Mt Zion as well
Originally posted by Kveldssanger
I've bought "Lift yr..." a couple of weeks before and the rest of their albums have now become top priority (there go my money again... ). These guys (and girls) are amazing. I'll try to check A Silver Mt Zion as well

Do do do! The cut down sound is more poignant and beautiful IMO :)
I have the ASMZ album He Has Left Us Alone... and indeed think, that it is at least as good as the GYBE material, maybe even better...

But it all depends on the mood, as well. At some moments the huge majestic, apocalyptic, sound of GYBE fits better, whereas at some other moments, I would prefer the calmer, more acoustic sound of GYBE...
I bought today A Silver Mt. Zion's - "Born Into Trouble..." and I must admit that it is indeed very good. these people seem to be really talented. Is it my imagination or do they like dealing with religion?
Originally posted by Kveldssanger
I bought today A Silver Mt. Zion's - "Born Into Trouble..." and I must admit that it is indeed very good. these people seem to be really talented. Is it my imagination or do they like dealing with religion?

The first is a lot better, get that one next ;) They do relgious themes, just like godspeed, yeah :)
GYBE just recently became one of my favorite bands when I listened to "Lift yr. skinny fists...." at night in bed half asleep.... It was absolutely amazing. Any fan of good progressive music must hear this band, thats my 2 cents.