going crazy trying to get guitar tone


May 3, 2004
im having a lot of trouble getting a good guitar tone that doesnt sound all fizzy but still has a gainy character and definition

"guitar tone?"

tell me what you all think

its a les paul with an emg81 into a tubescreamer into a 5150 with the settings colin richardson posted a while back and then i used guitarhack's impulses for the cab sim with oodles of plugins on my guitar bus trying to make it sound not shitty

edit: second attempt, came out much better:
"guitar tone 2"
That actually sounds far from shitty with my headphones. No chance to listen on a real system right now but I think it sounds quite convincing, perhaps cut a tad bit of high end.
Stop going crazy dude. That sounds pretty good. Nice and in-your-face.

EDIT: I just re-read your first post (skim-read it the first time) and saw you used the Impulses. Great result. Which Impulse(s) did you use? I've really got to get a handle on using those things. :lol:

Hahaha, i just love the way everybody's using your impulses... except you :lol:
I think it sounds awsome:headbang:

Did you not mic your cab with 5150 and instead use preamp output and do with impulses??

Or did you do both?
Can you list all the plugins please so i can copy your great sound ? :) :cool: :worship:

heres all the settings and shit i used, i have a bigass monitor so im just going to link the image


theres 4 tracks of guitar total, panned 100l 100l 100r 100r, you can see the two impulses i used in the SIR plugin windows... and thats pretty much it

I think it sounds awsome:headbang:

Did you not mic your cab with 5150 and instead use preamp output and do with impulses??

Or did you do both?

yeah thats exactly what i did, preamp out straight into interface. no mics or anything
awesome i might start trying this route:headbang:

Now when you go into interface do you go into Mic preamp or just into a extra input with no Mic pre??
awesome i might start trying this route:headbang:

Now when you go into interface do you go into Mic preamp or just into a extra input with no Mic pre??

just into a normal input, no preamp. ive actually thought about it a lot and i figure an impulse is just completing the guitar chain for the poweramp -> cab -> mic(room) and i supply the guitar -> tubescreamer -> 5150preamp, so why add another preamp between that preamp and the guitar?

noticed you had gearbox there...........are you running into one of hte preamps on gearbox at all?

yeah, if you look at my mixer window its the first plugin in the guitar bus... im not technically running into that as a preamp i guess, but it just adds some tone coloration that i like