going fretless

yeah well that was about the smartest thing ive heard on here or in a long time for that matter ^ Steve. very neutral and profound and always well appreciated. thanks again
as for the other shit goes, you guys sound like a bunch of drunk poloticians blowing something waaaay out of proprtion- and actually it's kinda funny. i hope you are drunk when you post some of that shit. but look i know there's a science to music , but technically speaking theres a science to everything. it's all part of anaytical thinking. thats good and all and you can learn alot if you ask the right questions . i know that music is used in therapy sessions and is used to help plants grow. ive also heard that different note patterns crrespond to different brain waves. and i thinks it's mozart that calms you or something because after listening to it for a while you can think a bit more clearly or easily. but i thinks it's all in the way you see things.

i aint a scientist and i suck at math . to me music has always been about the feel. it's always been an art for me. i think it's an art with a science to it but what you may not know consciously you may know subconsciously as that probably will come out in your playing. and if you;re playing and you don't have groove , then forget about it, cause that's what it's all about

also have you guys forgotten that music is a language? it's also much easier to comprehend when you're a kid ,and i mean like a little shit . and i know that because in school it always seemed so easy.

hey whatever . look this has gotten pretty interesting and thanks for the help everyone. don't forget we're all perpetual students, or should be at least if you want to grow. and speaking of bongs that sounds like a pretty good idea right about now

"music is the universal language that links us all together, creating a personal bond." - chuck schuldiner (control denied cover)

" knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens" -jimi hendrix
Nothinggod, you are of course most welcome to post and drill your opinions on my forum as much as you'd like. As vernacular and verbose as some might think your posts are...I love it. I love that you add variety; and the uniqueness of everyone who decides to post here inspires me to continue to leave this vein of communication open. I was not challenging you to produce proof of your own self-proclaimed highly theorised musical creations. I am truly curious to hear it. Anyone can tell you, I love new shit. I might be a lot older than most of you, but that doesn't mean I dwell in the "old days". Here's a new quote from me now: "If the ancients could learn from us now, just think how differently advanced we'd be today." Thank you, yes, I'm stoned and I'm profound...! What I mean is that the older (me) need to have an open mind towards the young (you....I guess...?). So I was not at all trying to drag you out to a proving ground, I was sincerley asking to hear something from you. Ok.......Please. There. Don't feel so guarded and paranoid. No one's out to get you, definitely not me.

The topic of Frank's zero fret is resolved...there was never a debate on chromaticism, I think Occam's Razor agrees with your stance but was trying to say that right now poor Frank the Tank was a bit overwhelmed with a new instrument (we'll check back with the Tank down the line and see how his knowledge of microtonality is coming along)...and everyone agrees that the infinitesimal depth of tonality exists along a vibrating string...but the fact is, you have to put your finger somewhere to make a note come out. And the side markers are reference, reference, reference...not end-all be-all destinations for our lame western boring repetitive scales. I agree about how lame music is getting in modern times and the distance from higher thinking is prevalent...but it's my last day off before two shows with Guns n Roses at Webmbley arena, so I'd rather go out and damage my brain cells tonight than write endlessly - in agreement with you, Nothinggod - about that stuff. In fact I'm London, you sociopathic tea drinker, come meet me and lets have a private listen of some of your work. I'll buy, tea, beer, gin & tonic...whatever your choice...!

Oh, I love Mick Karn...! Obviously, the educated and enlightened can only see how I strive to rip off when I can...! Hehehe...

I think it was my word choice. "Smartass" probably sounded more offensive than it was actually intended...the German equivalent I had in mind is more humorous, so excuse the Kraut.:lol:
You mean the Kroetsch-thing?...Well, it's from his "Horn Book"-long poem. He is a Canadian poet with a German background, stil alive and involved in English literature studies.

His work, also novels, is worth reading: quite humorous, but also with a tinge of melancholy.

More here, if you are interested:


Not that this should be of interest on a music board though...:lol:
This will probably sound like a lame question (and I'm sure it is, but I don't play bass, only guitar), what does it sound like to try to pop and slap on a fretless? Is it good at all, ultra shitty, or can you not even hear it?
Occam's Razor said:
I think it was my word choice. "Smartass" probably sounded more offensive than it was actually intended...the German equivalent I had in mind is more humorous, so excuse the Kraut.:lol:

Nah dude, you got it right. I think "smartass" might not be strong enough even.
I was inspired by my bong to try to learn music theory, as you can guess That did not work out quite so well. Is there a Music for dummies book or website?
well i don't really know how to pop or slap anyways but i'm sure you could come up with something cool on a fretless if you knew how to do it. but ive seen jazz and funk players who use fretlesses and it prettimuch just sounds " smoother" to me if that makes any sense. and for music theory i have a blue book that just says MUSIC THEORY that they use in schools - theres like 6 editions ,but the best way to learn is to have someone explain to you in a way you'd understand. and learning keyboard would help.
I think there is some fretless slapping on the track "Curtains" from Vintersorg's 'The Focusing Blur' at around 2:25. Though in my experience slapping on a fretless usually requires a different kind of attack to slapping fretted, since you don't get the same kind of percussive sound that the strings hitting the frets provide. I also agree with Frank the Tank that the best way to learn theory, at least the basics of it is to get someone to teach you. Really, you need someone to start at the very beginning and explain how and why we use things like the major scale as reference and how western chromatic tonality is based on the development of certain ideas and how we relate to them in the music we make. Also I agree to an extent that understanding how 'keyboards', or more specifically piano, works is helpful, given that our sense of western tonal theory is pretty much based on the development of it, but I don't really think it's all that necessary to learn just for the sake of learning theory. As I have said in other threads, theory is just a means to understand and analyse what you are doing, not a set of rules you have to live by in order to make 'valid' music.

But uh, as for Miguel Suerte and Occam's Razor, never mind, I wouldn't think that either of you are in danger of being called a "smartass" any time soon.
I teach music, actually Frank. I also use theory to develop and analyse what I write as well as what other people write. As for what I understand, that is an ongoing process. There is a lot to learn and there are limitless approaches you can take to making or even studying music. Western tonal theory is only one point of view. There are many other ways to make music from serialism to 'eastern' and African music forms. There is microtonality, there is Pythagorean tonality. There is Lydian Dominant theory and Harmelodic Theory. So I guess that the answer is that no-one can truly say that they understand every aspect of music theory completely. The thing to keep in mind though I guess is that having a good basic knowledge of the music you are playing can really only help you in developing what you do both in terms of composition and technique. Given some people do relatively well with little or no formal knowledge, but in the end everyone is using some kind of theoretically based ideology even if they aren't really analysing what they are doing even if that means that they are just striving to make it 'sound right'.
Nothinggod said:
But uh, as for Miguel Suerte and Occam's Razor, never mind, I wouldn't think that either of you are in danger of being called a "smartass" any time soon.

Well if it's you calling me a "smartass" maybe I'll take that as a compliment. I deal with assholes everyday, so I guess it rolls off me like Teflon. Nothing special about this situation. But, seeing as how I said nothing on this topic other than the one post above which WASN'T addressed to you and had nothing to do with the subject at hand, you must be looking for fight. That's great. I recommend backyard wrestling. Go tell someone else how the world works in your usually untactful way.
Yes, I rest my case, other than to say, here were go on another one of Miguel's arbitrary rants where he negates all responisbility and even rationale for his posts hoping that we are all confounded by his inane gibberish enough not to notice that despite the fact he wasn't 'talking' to me he was definitly commenting on something said about me. So yeah, I must be looking for a "fight". But I have to say from experience your intellectual 'fights' are on par to "backyard wrestling" a blowup doll in a rubber pool full of jello. Also let me just point out that I wasn't calling you anything. What I did say was that you WEREN'T in danger of being called a 'smartass', and you can take that any way you want it. In fact I had let the whole issue of Occam's "smartass" remark go until you decided to bring it up. As for how the world works, well I think I covered that with the word "arbitrary". I don't believe I was telling anyone how the world works at any stage, come to think of it. I know I have given my opinion on certain things from time to time, and I have gathered that you find it offensive that someone might have one that differs to yours, because as far as I can tell you seem to think that it impinges on your right to have an opinion. Ironic. Anyway, enough of this off topic banter
Nothinggod said:
I know I have given my opinion on certain things from time to time, and I have gathered that you find it offensive that someone might have one that differs to yours, because as far as I can tell you seem to think that it impinges on your right to have an opinion. Ironic.

No, you see that's the thing: I don't really disagree with much of what you say, it's really just how you say it. That's what I meant by using the word "untactful" -in case it wasn't clear. It's one thing if I like what someone has to say, if they're a dick though then that's something not worth getting past no matter how clever or "intellectual" or "genius" they are.
Speak for yourself Miguel, which is my whole point. You seem oblivious to the crap you type most of the time. As for being a genius or intellectual, you said that not me. I don't base what I say on how clever I think I am. As for you paying attention to what I say, that is entirely up to you. It doesn't really hurt me if you don't want to pay attention based on your, once again, arbitrary assessments of "the way the world is". As for tact, you can skirt around the issue being nice and trying to appease everyone and not offend anyone. Which chiming in about how 'smartass' isn't strong enough a word, incidentally, fails to do. I would rather not waste my time since I learned long ago that trying to please everyone is a complete waste of time. Even Steve Digiorgio could tell you that, I'm sure.