Going Home

Here is a brief explanation of this subject. It's not in complete detail but you should understand it more after reading this:

[13:39] <some|El_Presidente> going home?
[13:39] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> yes
[13:39] <some|El_Presidente> what happened?
[13:40] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> she is a selfish person who can't handle reality let alone responsibility
[13:40] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> she lives in the computer world, she can't handle real life
[13:40] <some|El_Presidente> true enough
[13:41] <some|El_Presidente> what do you mean by that though, in what sense
[13:41] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> i moved 2200 miles across the country....with no money, and she knew that...i was only brining myself...none of my stuff just me and some clothes
[13:42] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> well, i got a job after 2 weeks of being here and 2 weeks after i had the job, it's like she expected me to pull 2k out of my ass to get my shit shipped 2200 miles
[13:42] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> we broke up in october because she can't handle the real world
[13:42] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> she's a selfish, materialistic person
[13:43] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> she expected me, at age 21, to move across the country and immediatly get a 40k a year job
[13:43] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> this job i am at now wants to make me a manager making a min of 38k a year in the next 6-12 months, but that's too long for her
[13:43] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> "I waited,waited and waited Steve, for three months"
[13:43] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> 3 months isn't shit
[13:44] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> all she does is work 6 hours a day at her dead end fucking job, and play ffxi and talk on the phone with her next victim
[13:44] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> some random guy from the internet, someone she knows from ffxi and claims to be in love with him
[13:44] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> she obviously doesn't know what love is if she can't handle 3 months of stress
[13:45] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> sure, we're broke but hell, we're financially secure....it's not like we can't afford our bills
[13:45] <some|El_Presidente> wait, was she tlaking to this person even when you were with her?
[13:45] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> and thats that
[13:45] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> technically no because we had broken up in october (i didn't know we broke up) and he got back from iraq in like, november
[13:46] <some|El_Presidente> how convienent
[13:47] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> i bitched at her hardcore last night
[13:47] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> i care but at the same time i don't give a fuck
[13:47] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> i bought a pack of smokes and a fifth of whiskey
[13:49] <some|El_Presidente> now now, lets not go back to alcholicism
[13:49] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> lol
[13:49] <some|El_Presidente> its funny, because if she did love you she would have made more of an effort to keep you
[13:49] <some|El_Presidente> and this new guy is the 3rd guy she fell "in love" with over the internet
[13:50] <some|El_Presidente> new victim indeed it sounds like
[13:50] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> no david, it's not the 3rd guy
[13:50] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> she's never had a real life relationships
[13:50] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> relationship*
[13:50] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> all of the relationships she has been in were internet based
[13:50] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> even prior to bobby
[13:51] <some|El_Presidente> wow
[13:51] <some|El_Presidente> how many was that?
[13:51] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> no idea
[13:51] <some|El_Presidente> well, there out this whole relationship there is only one fact I can truely comfirm
[13:51] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> and the sad thing is, is that she made me promise to never leave her and marry her and yaddi yaddi ya
[13:51] <some|El_Presidente> heh
[13:51] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> this is the first time i've ever had a relatinoship like this and i can assure you that it is the last
[13:52] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> her unstability only brought me down and wasted 4 months of my time
[13:52] <some|El_Presidente> yea thats what I feel sorry for you about
[13:52] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> i didn't speak to her for 3 months and then june 1st she told me that she was in love with me
[13:52] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> so, she came to me
[13:53] <some|El_Presidente> and you took her in with open arms :p
[13:53] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> i moved 2200 miles, to a area i had never been before
[13:53] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> and she complains about money
[13:53] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> fucking materialistic bitch, go home and cry to mommy
[13:53] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> that's what she's doing too dude, she's going home to mommy
[13:54] <some|El_Presidente> to be honest I didn't donate any money to you two, not to be a bastard, but i've always been skeptical about online relationships, not that I discourage it anyway, but people are different in real life then they are on the internet
[13:54] <some|El_Presidente> I think you two rushed things
[13:54] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> yea, that pisses me off too...people donated to us to help us and it didn't work
[13:54] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> yea, we did, but oh well
[13:56] <some|El_Presidente> true, it must be bad for you having to carry the burden of knowing that people invested in you two's future and it didn't work out
[13:56] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> yea =/ but what can ya do...you live and you learn i guess
[13:56] <some|El_Presidente> indeed
[13:57] <some|El_Presidente> wait, shes going home to her mommy becuase you made her sad because you broke up with her?
[13:57] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> no, she's going home to mommy because she can't handle responsibility
[13:57] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> she broke up with me, i didn't break up with her
[13:58] <some|El_Presidente> laff
[13:59] <some|El_Presidente> can you say gold digger
[14:00] <some|El_Presidente> none of the less I won't make any criticism or judgement, i've only heard your story
[14:02] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> YEA
[14:02] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> whoops caps and goddamnit a customer brb
[14:03] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> nvm, it was some yuppy ass bitch
[14:03] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> i don't care, i'm only here for another week anyways
[14:03] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> i don't give a shit if i sell anything or not
[14:03] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> her point of view is ludicrous
[14:03] <some|El_Presidente> lol,
[14:03] <some|El_Presidente> so where are you living now/
[14:04] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> she said it's because she got tired of sharing her stuff including her car with me and the fact that i didn't have anything
[14:04] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> ummmm well, isn't that a part of being in a relatinoship? sharing? and she said she waited and waited and waited...for 3 months...
[14:04] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> 3 months.....
[14:04] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> you can't build a country in a day
[14:05] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> she's incompetant and very unintelligent
[14:05] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> and she's not open to opinions, she's very close minded...it's her way or no way
[14:05] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> i'm still in the apartment
[14:05] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> so is she
[14:05] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> she's going back to her mom's at the end of the month, i'm out on the 15th
[14:06] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> and you know what, i don't plan on saying goodbye to her
[14:06] <some|El_Presidente> why should you
[14:07] <some|El_Presidente> even though you were using her stuff you did contribute with the money you got right/
[14:08] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> no, i made her pay all the bills
[14:08] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> of course i contributed rofl
[14:09] <some|El_Presidente> you hoe
[14:09] <some|El_Presidente> don't be sarcastic with me
[14:09] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> i bought more gas and more food than her...i was always the one spending my money on food
[14:09] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> and gas
[14:09] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> and i did all of the cleaning
[14:09] <some|El_Presidente> haha
[14:09] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> in the past 4 months i've seen her make the bed like twice
[14:09] <some|El_Presidente> such retrograde from the normal girlfriend boyfriend
[14:09] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> and her fucking stupid ass dog pisses and craps in the house
[14:09] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> and i'm always cleaning it up
[14:09] <some|El_Presidente> lol!
[14:10] <some|El_Presidente> omg, sorry, but thats hilarious
[14:10] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> there was two fucking piles in the bathroom last night so i went in her room and told her that her dog crapped in there
[14:10] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> of course, she was on the phone...and when i told her that, she was like "Alllriggght" in a pissy ass tone
[14:10] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> i just wanted to fucking tell her that i was sick and tired of picking up after her stupid fucking dog
[14:11] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> she's a lazy fucking bitch
[14:11] <some|El_Presidente> haha how was the place like when you got there?
[14:11] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> she is so fucking lazy dude...last friday, she called me up and asked me if i could get a ride home from work...
[14:11] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> i only work until 5:30 ion fridays but i had to stay late and rick had to drive me home...
[14:11] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> she said that she was tired....
[14:12] <some|El_Presidente> tired to pick you up?
[14:12] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> too tired to drive 10 mins to pick me up...
[14:12] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> for one, she keeps me up at night from her loud ass talking on the fucking phone
[14:12] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> and two, if she was so tired that night, why was she up until 2 am
[14:12] <some|El_Presidente> lol talking to whom?
[14:12] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> she's full of fucking shit
[14:12] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> to will, her next victim
[14:13] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> and one thing that really angers me is that the way she talks to him is the exact way she talked to me on the phone
[14:13] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> it's luike she's a drone
[14:13] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> like*
[14:13] <some|El_Presidente> rofl...
[14:13] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> [14:11] <some|El_Presidente> haha how was the place like when you got there? <---empty
[14:13] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> we got the apartment 4 days before i moved here
[14:14] <some|El_Presidente> ah
[14:14] <some|El_Presidente> Now, theres only one thing I am certain of
[14:14] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> which is
[14:15] <some|El_Presidente> I still think you look fat in that picture you posted on d2d with you and her
[14:15] <some|El_Presidente> fatty!
[14:15] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> rofl
[14:15] <some|El_Presidente> good ol comic relief
[14:15] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> i weigh like, 165 or something
[14:15] <some|El_Presidente> any ways i'm going to switch comp so I can play some hl2, take care man
[14:15] <some|El_Presidente> how tall?
[14:15] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> i've lost weight from depression
[14:16] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> i'm 5'10"
[14:16] <some|El_Presidente> fatty
[14:16] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> rofl
[14:16] <some|El_Presidente> i'm same height I weigh 140 lol
[14:16] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> caused by alcoholism
[14:16] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> most i've ever weighed was like 175
[14:16] <some|El_Presidente> well, 135 actually
[14:16] <some|El_Presidente> ...fatass
[14:16] <some|El_Presidente> :p
[14:16] <some|El_Presidente> anyways i'm out
[14:16] <some|El_Presidente> take care mang
[14:16] <SSJ4SephirothX^AtWork> alright dude, you too man

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
This is better than glamour and days of our lives put together :loco:

anyway, good luck dude.
Tut Ankh Amon said:
i have a question

do you want the UM crew to get baseball bats and teach her a lesson? auehueah :p

damn man, forget about that piece of crap and try to get your life back on the track
Now you can go to the CIA man! =D

Yea dude, I may go do the CIA thing, I'm not sure. I'm going to do it the long way though. I'm not going to go into the military. I almost did that once and I don't think I'll ever try again.
you gotta live your life for you man, you can't live it for someone else. it sucks, and it sound selfish as hell, but when it comes down to it, who is going to live your live if you aren't. chin up, and move on, there will be others. *manhug*
im sorry man. all that work, all that excitement to be tossed away by some chick who has no grasp on reality. *heterohug*
whoa, that's harsh...i feel sorry for ya, man, that's a hard low blow if i've ever seen one...but as bob said "chin up, and move on, there will be others"-- and believe it cuz you'll find somebody else who'll be worth the world and more ;)

...............................................just don't let Yanko get any ideas;) lol j/k
Well, we can always have a good G A Y P I L E ! ! !

Sorry for ya, man. But I say: Good riddance!

Go to her moms house, kiss her goodbye, give her a gag-bal, and tell her that it is of no use anymore and she must search for 'a new home' for it. Make sure her mom hears it. Maybe add a whip if it's not too expensive :D
You are such a good looking, smart, cool guy and I know there are tons of women out there who would love to be with a man like you.
Stay strong and live for yourself like Bob said. You are what matters, and this girl is lost in her own "safe" reality, get the hell away from her...haha. Take this situation as a life experience, and move on.
... and good luck with moving and such.