going to c armored saint and death angel tomorrow nite

Yeah man, I'll be seeing them at the Forum. This show should be rad, there was a time I thought Australia would never see either one of these bands, much less on the same tour. Death Angel are rad, be sure to check them out. I haven't heard about them doing any instores but I'm thinking of making a rare fanboy of myself and waiting around afterwards to see if I can get some gear signed.

Killing Season is great new music. Are Death Angel going to be putting out a new disc in a couple years or no?
Mates of mine saw them last night in Melbs. Said they were great.

I (once again) can't go due to prior commitments :-(
show was great amored saint played first,i dontmknow much about them other than revelation album wich i really liked,woulda been great if they had luxury of playing new stuff,having not heard of death angels music i was was suprised at how great they were,they totally owned thwe show,only wierd thing qwas was the bass player thru his bass across stage at end of show,its a wonder it didnt break in half lol.
Great show. Both bands were solid. Shame about the crowd size though - embarrassing. Couldn't have been more that 200 there. A mate of mine told me the Brisbane crowd was shit too. What was it like for the others anyone?
300 in sydney,was a luxury to c these 2 bands but they are relatively unkown hereexept gfor the rweally underground fans,mite have been better having exodus team up with death angel or aroured saint,they have a sdtrong fan base here.
300 in Sydney? Wow - that's even worse than 200 here when you look at populations of each city. Shame.