Going to California

make sure you listen to that led zeppelin song the entire way there
I was at the Carlsbad Four Seasons in May, stuck out like a sore thumb lol. We hit Vagas, L.A, Carmel and San Francisco...What a blast!!
Have a good time Jen.

"California... is nice to the homeless
Californiania... supercool to the homeless
In the city... city of Santa Monica
Lots of rich people... giving change to the homeless"
hahah i actually thought of the led zepplin song first and then the South Park one.

have a great time in California, Jen!

i'd totally love to get to California one day ... will and i might try take a trip over there, and i know my dad's always wanted to go to the Winchester House, so it'd definately be a great time if it ever does happen.
San Diego?


You should drive up here...err...yeah!
Do it! There are beaches! And huge trees!