Goji berries


Pro Evolution Fucker
Apr 18, 2006
Basque Country
Do you know them?
It is not a crabcore band, nooo... it is a natural berry from the Tibet, it has amazing properties for the health.



I don't usually trust in these kind of things but I've been told by a friend that really works, and my wife that works as investigator in a centre of nutrition looked up scientific articles about it and they seem to have loads of antioxidant and many other good things.

I'm thinking about getting some.
Any user?
Didnt know about this. But I'm a freak for this kind of stuff and from what I read it seems to be very good for your health. I don't buy into the whole superlativism crap claims of longetivity and shit, but just the fact that is has 500x more vitamin C, more zeathanthin than carrots. I'm fucking in. I ordered it. Can't hurt right?
They're pretty good. I get the concentrated juice every once, and a while.

EDIT - taste like a mix between raisins, and cherries with a hint of sea weedish type taste.

also, my wife named our cat after them...

Goji -
I personally enjoy the Goji Berries dipped in dark chocolate. They're tasty AND have amazing health benefits.
I was searching for the band of the same name and was pointed here instead. Oh well, may as well comment regardless:

I heard goji berries are full of dangerous chemicals, pesticides and pollutants. Especially since they are intensively mass produced (mostly in a Country with an appalling amount of pollution) and 'no strict laws'.
Didnt know about this. But I'm a freak for this kind of stuff and from what I read it seems to be very good for your health. I don't buy into the whole superlativism crap claims of longetivity and shit, but just the fact that is has 500x more vitamin C, more zeathanthin than carrots. I'm fucking in. I ordered it. Can't hurt right?

On the contrary, too much vitamin C (for example) will make you very sick for a couple of days. Depending on the dosage. With high dosages, you'll experience flushes, diarrhea, vomiting, headaches, and fatigue.

So yes.... it can hurt. Depending on the dosage. 500x more vitamin C ... 500x more than what ???

The WHO recommends a dosage of 45mg a day for a healthy adult. Vitamin pills can be bought that offer way more than that. I've taken them before, and I did indeed get very ill for a day or two after.

A single orange a day is probably enough of a dosage.