Gojira - Free Willy Metal


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
didn't feel like bumping either Nate's or lurch's thread and making the other dude left out. :loco:

anyhow, just a few days ago i was listening to Edge of Sanity - Crimson and thinking "god fucking dammit, why can't death metal bands make some epic shit like this that covers all kinds of musical bases while still retaining the whole Death Fucking Metal bit?" lo and behold, that new Gojira album shows up in the mail last night, and covers my request pretty well!

that bassist is a monster! i wish more metal bassists would realize it ISN'T HARD to make an interesting bassline while still retaining the job of holding down the low end. oh, and bonus points for using the same amps that i do, SWR. :)
I heard one Gojira album a year or two back I think. The Link or some such. It was good but just enough under the bar that I didn't buy it. Now that I hear this Crimson comparison though, I'll have to go check out this new one.

Or you can yousendit a track because I'm lazy scum.
i heard the song on their website and thought it was ok...is that pretty representative of their sound?

and omfJESUS, "crimson" has been on my to-buy list for fucking EVARRR. i have a $50 gift certificate to amoeba to spend but i kinda doubt they'll have it...next haul is gonna be that, rev bizarre, 1349, and bathory "under the sign"

and maybe the new dragonforce :dopey:
hey i'd be happy with either album on our list, Crimson just barely gets the edge because i heard it first. :loco:
40 minutes, not 45. :loco:

seriously, somebody strike the word "pretentious" from the dictionary, using it is pretentious!
Crimson, unlike so many other long songs and despite it's diversity really continues to be a cohesive whole, unlike that piece of shit "Light of Day, Day of Darkness". It's neither gay nor pretentious. It's fucking genious.
MadeInNewJersey said:
I hate the 1 song, 45 minutes thing. So gay & pretentious.

Especially when it's obviously several songs stuck together and pimped into one "whole" by some added-up melodic repeats. Same goes for Green Carnation's one-hour thing. It owned me several times as I got bored aftre five minutes and wanted to skip to the next track and... fuck... it started all over again. So far "Monolithe I" and Corrupted's "El Mundo Frio" are the only 40 minutes+ tracks that justify the format.
i'm out of order? you're out of order! this whole freakin' system is out of order!
MadeInNewJersey said:
IIt's just...I hate the 1 song, 45 minutes thing. So gay & pretentious.

fuck, you'll love the new scald effort then, 1 track - 47 minutes
it doesn't sound like a banch of songs stuck together though
just one really fucking long one :lol:

i think it helps that its an instrumental though

.........and that its got a theramin
unhinged said:
fuck, you'll love the new scald effort then, 1 track - 47 minutes
it doesn't sound like a banch of songs stuck together though
just one really fucking long one :lol:

i think it helps that its an instrumental though

.........and that its got a theramin
must. hear. SOON.