Gold Cobra cover/tone match.


Nov 17, 2009


okay, so I've tried to get everything pretty similar to the original. Drums are 100% live, no samples/layering and very little quantizing.

What is working well, what is not working well? I had someone tell me they didn't like my overheads, but they loved the snare and kick. Seeing as how my overheads typically make up 40-50% of my live drum tones, it was kind of a weird comment that he didn't elaborate on... so I'm assuming it was maybe the cymbals that he didn't like.

HA! That's a huge compliment man, because I think the Gold Cobra album is one of the best heavier sounding records of 2011 - simple, beefy, punchy, lively. It has it all!
Orange Rockerverb <3

My bands guitarist actually match EQ'd this same tone and made the same test like 4 months ago. :D
Bass is my American P Bass. I would rather shoot myself than ever program bass, haha :P

I agree, too much comp on the overheads.
Well I like the snare... Definitely think the cymbals sound a bit weird. Sound like they were recorded in a boxy room. The original has a much warmer, shimmering cymbal sound. I think the bass sounds good, but the guitars also seem a bit harsher on yours. Your whole mix is a tiny bit brittle compared to the orig. I'd warm it up a bit!
This is the match EQ test that my band member made of the same song:

IMO the secret to that mix is to have a super cutting guitar tone and it's actually pretty low in the mix so it's not taking as much space as you'd think.

Wes Borland is playing Orange nowadays. That whole album was recorded through Orange. Both the Rockerverb and Thunderverb and when I saw them live last year he only had Orange cabs on stage. (black versions of them)
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Same snare, I just didn't play as hard during the verse, but I probably should have played harder. I agree about the boxy sound of the cymbals, the overkill on compression is starting to bring out a few flaws in my room acoustics which I will treat now that I'm hearing it again after a few days off.
both mixes sound cool. can you guys shed any light on how to achieve this super punchy kick drum sound? I guess rolling of some low end end lots of compression?
clark kent, was your kick drum a sample?
Guitar was an EC1000, bass was my US PBass. PODX3 for both, with some impulses on the guitar. The guitar sounds too digital for my liking, but I just whipped this together in a couple of hours and didn't want to waste time on a live amp :P

Kick is a well-tuned (or decently tuned) Mapex 22" Saturn Pro with an Aquarian Super Kick 1 batter head. Felt beaters, and no click pad crap. Kick mic is an Audix D6, placed just inside the vent. It sounds punchy, because I kick pretty darn hard when I play ;) not a whole lot of EQ on the kick TBH.
I'm pretty sure that example made by my friend is Superior Drummer 2 with different kick and snare samples. Hell... he might've made samples of the original song.