Good 7 string pickups

The RGD2127Z is a wicked guitar. A bit overpriced in my opinion but a very nice guitar. Paul Wardingham has one...

As for pickups... Are you going for a modern metal sound? The DActivator in the bridge is a good choice, although I don't really care for the neck pickup.
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Cool, I'll check it out. Yea, definitely going for a modern metal sound. Any good 7 string guitars out there that come with awesome pickups already installed by chance?
I personally like the sound of the BK Warpig in a 7 string. Think they work very well for rhythms.
The pickups on the RGD2127Z might be fine. I think Paul is running stock ones, and he's using a POD HD for that recording and his album.

Paul used a Loomis with 707s for the album. He got the 2127 after he released it.

Since its a basswood body I'd recommend a Dimarzio Blaze or a Bareknuckle Miracle Man for heavy rhythm.
For basswood definitely the bare knuckle miracle man if you want the most brutal tone, for a less brutal and more organic sound the cold sweat is best. (I would use the cold sweat neck with both) From seymour duncan, the full shred is the only pickup they make that is voiced good for basswood. I can't imagine how horrible the distortion would sound in basswood considering basswood is basically a tonally flat wood other than having a mid spike, and the distortion is CRAZY middy. The dimarzio choice that sounds best in basswood 7's is the crunchlab/liquifire.
Im looking for pups for a 7 string strat im building atm. Neck and body are mahogany and frettboard is rosewood. Its doesnt need to be overly gainy, just have a nice tight crunch when used with gain. its mostly for playing thrash.