Good chance that SymX is playing with Halford in NYC!

What made the wait worthwhile last time was all the studio updates we got, but now it's next to nothing. The only thing I've heard is "possible" song titles. I guess if nothing else it's certainly building up the anticipation.:grin:
Hello from the Halford Quorum!!!! Attila hyped up SX alot over there and so I decided to pick up a CD, the Odysessy. KICK ASS!!:rock:

I can't wait to see SX and Halford on Feb. 28th! Lamours is a great place to see a show!
Originally posted by Hawk
looks like a gathering of quorimites on the Symp-X board. :)

We know GREAT music! :D I've been listening to Halford and Symphony X every day since this show was announced (as if I wasn't before that) - but now it's hard for anything else to get into my rotation of music.