Good cheapo instrument cables?

^ +1 or you could get the planet waves ones that you can easily fix if they break. No soldering or anything, buy new tip, take off old tip, one screw! Simple and cheap. Like these,
Mine has lasted 2 years now I'd say, and I replaced the head once. If they ever make a bad connection you can just cut the cable and reattach the head to fix it! Really Nice and tidy
Proco is fine (speak about here high end line) but if you need short cable for pedalboard use:cry:
G L's cable isn't that good for me, evidence with gl's connector work well.

Others choices are DL (David Laboga) cable or mogami with switchcraft connector.

Don't fuck with cable, it's your sound:headbang:
I'm sick of buying expensive ass guitar cables and having them break on me within the first month, and I'm about to order a massive amount of cables...don't really want to spend tons of money on crap that's going to break anyways so I might as well get some cheaper cables eh? These don't look too bad


Stop doing whatever it is that causes your cables to break in a month??????

Do you know how to tie up a cable properly? And I'm assuming that when you pull it out of a amp/pedal/guitar you pull by the plug and not the cable? Since I started buying half decent cables I've not had any problems with breakages as I look after them.

My preference for cables is Klotz La Grange with neutrik plugs. Very resistant to tangles and been very reliable for me.
Stop doing whatever it is that causes your cables to break in a month??????

Yeah well the month thing was sortve an exaggeration but usually around 3-4 months they start cutting out. Sometimes they just need to be re-soldered at the plugs but with those annoying monster cables you cant get to the solder joint :mad: I should start treating my cables better you're right haha

I just put in an order to monoprice, mostly because its so cheap i would hardly consider it a loss if they DO suck.

If they suck I'm definitely going to man up to some quality cables with Neutrik plugs, maybe the mogami ones :) A lot of these brands you guys are mentioning seem difficult to get in the US :(
Buy some quality cables and just look after them. Seriously, I've had cables for 2 years, and they weren't even high quality ones and they work fine.
Why? Because I take care of them.
I expect my high quality cables I bought not too long ago will last at least 3 years, if not more. And mind you, I play guitar and bass guitar daily, for several hours.
I bought some Coreone Core X2 cables recently, they are monstrous cables with an amazing build quality.
Cables are a wierd thing. Every once in a while they just die. Even some Mogami, etc have died on me. Have rehearsal works fine, leave, cable goes un-touched the entire time, come to the studio next time and cable is fucked up. It's very strange. I think there is deterioration even from the extremely tiny amount of electricity being passed through the cable. Had one go out on my pedalboard the other day. Those cables are never touched.
So, you guys have had good luck with the sweetwater brand pro co cables? the lifetime warranty is appealing, and I've had a pro co cable for a few years now I bought from musiciansfriend a while back and it still works. I need to buy a BUNCH of cables soon and just want to get them all at once....
Currently, I'm using Dimarzio Instrument Cables. They use Switchcraft plugs and have a lifetime warranty, too. I'd give them a thumbs up. (about $20-$30)

In the past I've used Planet Waves which were reasonably good. I don't like the molded ends, though.
DIY, with Neutrik jacks and Canare or Mogami cable... also, don't go to Markertek if you can avoid it, unless you're really into getting shipped inferior product and having your intelligence insulted when you call about the apparent mistake.

53Crëw;8685474 said:
Currently, I'm using Dimarzio Instrument Cables. They use Switchcraft plugs and have a lifetime warranty, too. I'd give them a thumbs up. (about $20-$30)

In the past I've used Planet Waves which were reasonably good. I don't like the molded ends, though.
DiMarzio cables are extremely durable. I've had the same one for 6 or 7 years now, and I'm pretty abusive with them. They've definitely been yanked out HARD many times, and they sound just as great as the day I bought em.