What to upgrade next?

Oct 22, 2007
Hi, i've actually got a small amount of money left over at the end of the month- and on top of what will go on new year's celebrations i have around £100 left.

I'm thinking this should go on something guitar related but i'm not sure what needs upgrading next.

My Current Gear:
Schecter Tempest (This aint getting replaced any time soon :kickass:)

On the pedalboard:
AKG WMS400 Pro Flexxx Radd Some more buzz words Wireless
9v Power Supply
Ibanez TS7
Boss NS-2
Cry Baby Wah
Shitty behringer TU-100 tuner (it's out of the signal path though, don't worry)

The bits that actually make the noise:
Hughes and Kettner Matrix 300 Head (footswitchable effects for solos)
Marshall 1936 2x12 Cab

And i use decent quality cables all round, planet waves solderless patch leads, 10' Planet waves lead between pedals and amp, and lava cable speaker leads.

Overall i'm pretty darn happy with my gear- it all works and i can get a meaty sound out of it all. So my problem is- will £100 be enough to make it worth buying anything?

I guess i could use a better cab, i've borrowed other people's before and it does sound good. Or maybe new speakers would do a similar job but cheaper (and without taking up too much room in the car) but i don't see that happening for £100 unless i get really lucky on eBay.

Any thoughts? Or should i just spend the money on guitar hero games and do some "finger exercises" :p
£100 isn't that much if you're thinking about getting a new cab, so I can't help ya there. But how do you like that Behringer tuner? Is it precise? At least they're not very durable, so I'd probably go for replacing it with a Boss unit. I have a noise suppressor of the same series, bought it as a quick fix for a gig, and after the gig it... uhm... accidentally ran into a wall backstage. Our other guitarist has the real NS-2 and it works a _lot_ better.
Sounds in tune to me... Though i might get the ibanez Lu-20 instead of the boss one the other guitarist has one and it fits on the board better than another boss sized pedal would..

I could stock up on straps, picks, gaffa tape, markers, and all the other stuff that everyone needs but no-one has..