Good Computer Specs for Recording


bass solo, take one
Jul 31, 2006
Southern Cali
Hey Guys,

So I have to buy a new laptop and I'm conflicted over a few things. The things that I want: it should be light weight, have a good processor such as Intel Core 2 Duo or higher, and it should be under $700.

Now what I'm wondering about, is if any one has had experience recording music on programs such as Cool Edit Pro on processors such as Intel Atom or AMD Athlon Neo. Do you think processors such as these are sufficient for just basic, demo-like recordings that don't have to be so professional?

I'm asking this because I'm having a hard time finding the specs I want for the price I want. So I may just have to give in to a lower-end processor. And it would make me feel better doing so if I knew that recording on them isn't really all that bad. Thanks in advance!
I don't do macs.
Any reason why not? I've never owned a mac but as far as recording stability goes, general opinion is that OSX is where it's at. The point where PCs win is in the high performance bracket, the performance gap between the mid-powered iMac and the super-powered Mac Pro.

edit: just to clarify that i have used macs for recording before, just never owned one personally
really any new PC or laptop you buy now will be capable of producing simple demo stuff

i have a single core dell with a 3ghz pentium 4 and 2GB RAM, and can manage mixes with around 30 tracks and a decent amount of plugins. things do get pretty hairy, but it can be done...and any newer dual core or above will smoke the living shit out of what i'm working with

just make sure that if you get a laptop, your HD runs @7200rpm - that 5400 business will screw you pretty hard