Joeys computer specs


This thread is making me uncomfortable.

As a side note, "Mattydeath" has used 3 commas in so far :cool:
i had a brand new quad core 2.7 pc with 4 gigs ram, switched to a 2.53 dual core mac with 4 gigs, workflow = 100x better.

just you know, stating the facts. :lol:

This is what i'm talking about. You can't just grab the top of the line parts and throw them in a box and have the thought process of "6-core CPU with 16gb of ram =AWESOME" when the fact is a mac with half of those pretty stats will out perform it.

And it doesn't have to be a mac to out perform it. It's all down to compatibility! Certain brands of ram with certain motherboards mixed with third party drives. power supplies, cable quality, you name it and it plays a role. This is where people begin to think badly of PC. There are SO MANY variables to build your own pc, ad some of those possible configurations will smoke a mac. But the majority of them won't. There are people out there who have successfully built these pc's and they run smooth and have a heap of horsepower. Then there are people like me, i just couldn't get it right and bought a mac that worked instantly, did what i needed it to do, never have any issues. So i pay a couple of grand more and save days/weeks of headaches that windows used to bring me.

No one really cares what you use, this industry should be about what sounds people are making, not about what computer they use. Do whatever works for you. Alot of people will tell you to just get a mac, because we have all had too much grief with windows. but if you feel pc is better, go for it!