Good job christians in Oklahoma. =(

I don't even understand why any male is even debating it, let alone ,,forbidding'' and ,,allowing''. It's all up to women. It should be. They have to feed, carry and worry about this child for 9 months and THEY have to go through painful and long birth process(not even mentioning the close to fatal condition before birth, not all women handle pregnancy as good as some do). All male does is just insert penis and then put it away. It's all you have to do to start pregnancy. You dont feel pain while doing it nor at any time after it(unless you fucked up with your dick badly before to a case of BME awards mutilation, that's a diffrent story).

Having said that how about shut-the-fuck-up cup and let the women decide, THEY are in pain, both physically and psychically, not you. You just keep being happy about getting yet another load off, that's it, sorry.

(that was aimed at the abortion nay-sayers btw)