Good new NP thread

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Dark Tranquillity- UnDoControl
Dark Tranquillity- No one
Insomnium- In the Halls of Awaiting

In Flames- Moonshield (live)
In Flames- Resin

Surprisingly, these songs sound like absolutely nothing when played at the same time. (that good enough for you Rampage?)
Insomnium - The elder =

Rincewind: Click.
NP: Tool/ Rosetta Stoned

Vicarious definitely sounds way too much like schism, bad choice for a single
but some songs are quite good. Jambi being one.
RampageSword said:
Heol Telwen - An Douar Eleh M'on Ganet
whatever that means....

:kickass: summer music!

Yay! No, I actually like this song, not trying to please him Undo :grin:

Insomnium- Bereavement
Insomnium- Song of the forlorn son
Dark Tranquillity- Monochromatic Stains (live)
In Flames- Clayman (live)
Fear Factory- Timelessness
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