Good new NP thread

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TheFourthHorseman said:
Lots better than decent. :p That song especially is just awesome, like most of the album. Though not as good as Arcturus or Solefald, but most things aren't.

Yeah, well, Ive only heard it like twice. Its very good, but the guys AOS themselves present this album as a product, them being the manufacturers, I dont know what to think about this image theyve chosen, but you could actually hear it - its actually too perfect to be awesome, if you catch my drift. Its a bit synthetic, fabricated, calculated. :p But the guys seem to be aware of that, I just dont know yet what to think of it.
I don't think the music is really synthetic, fabricated and calculated at all, as you say. That song for instance is very passionate, same with 90° Angles.

Np: Solefald - Charge Of Total Affect
('Affect' isn't right, is it?)
You paid 100 euros for that? Dude, get an amp and a pair of real speakers. I paid ~300 euros for my stuff and I get 2x150W
My speakers look like this:


You wouldn't believe the power these little things have. They sound really amazing.

Anywho, back on topic: NP Insomnium - Daughter of the moon
Taliesin said:
You paid 100 euros for that? Dude, get an amp and a pair of real speakers. I paid ~300 euros for my stuff and I get 2x150W
Too much for home, at least the current home. Sure, I could've gotten an amp and proper speakers for relatively cheap (which would still be too much, though), but where would I put them? The room just isn't made for a proper sound system.

Np: OSI - Bigger Wave said:
verb [transitive]
have an effect on; make a difference to said:
a change that is a result or consequence of an action or other cause

verb [transitive]
cause (something) to happen; bring about

Seeing as 'effect' can be both a verb and a noun and 'affect' can only be a verb and considering the structure of that phrase, i'd say 'affect' is incorrect. It should be either "Charge of total effect" or "Charge of total affection.
Yeah, but isnt there also affect in english as a noun, meaning affectation or mannerism? Maybe I confused it with this one, too, as the guys from Solefald.

NP: Age of Silence - The Green Office and the Dark Drawer

Ill never get tired of Lazares voice. :cool:
There's 'affectation', but it means a completely different thing. There's indeed 'affect' as a noun; here's the entry: said:
noun [psychology]
emotion or desire, esp. as influencing behavior or action

Affect and effect are both verbs and nouns, but only effect is common as a noun, usually meaning "a result, consequence, impression, etc". The nounaffect is restricted almost entirely to psychology. As verbs, they are used differently. Affect most commonly means "produce an effect on, influence".
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