Good new NP thread

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And no, by the way, Thanatos, I wouldn't say that Spring (or the rest of the songs) is that much more thought out than their previous efforts as far as lyrics go, maybe it's just that they haven't really had that much political commentary in their lyrics. Spring seems to be one. EDIT: But now that I think about it, Spring isn't really political commentary, and they've had some of those songs in the past anyway (Links 234, Amerika). What I was going at was social commentary.
You're right that the album is much calmer though.

Np: Arcturus - Ad Absurdum
yeah, darn these mp3 files, you can never be sure if they are tagged properly ;)

np: sepultura - the hunt
Curse Of The Monkey Island Soundtrack - A Pirate I Was Meant To Be

Never heard anything better in my life. My friend's got the 'move your arms about and bend your legs' pirate pose down really well too.
Haha, that just totally cracks me up.
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