Good new NP thread

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This will be for now and forever the diverging of our paths...

Now that this night has turned into a dawn
I step aside from this path of grieving
Left with all these things I never had a chance to say
Words wishful, filled with caring

You must stop your bleeding
Before you run yourself dry
you must let go of your wound
Because love is crying for is gone

Now that this night has turned into a dawn
I give up this life I have been leading
Left with all these things I never meant to say
Words deceitful, double dealing

As every breaking day fades away before the dusk
So does hate pause and resentment turn to reason
You´ve carried enough this burden meant for me only to bear
Now it´s your time to straighten up, time for you to walk tall

Insomnium - Closing Words
I love this band.. I do I do I do! :rock:

Pathetic is the species being its own negation.
Big words locked in the holy books.
Flame in the eyes fixed on heaven,
And the stench of decaying bodies
That have lived to see the answer.

Another word spat out from under the mask.
No meaning, no goal.
Doomed to cling to each other.
They laugh crying and lie sensing their weakness.
Clotted human mass struggles
Trying to rise and run away from themselves.
It's time this jest reached it's end.
The church of the black hole will fulfil the sacrifice.
Who produced this album? You suck! I was just listening to Colony and now I listen to this and the production is making my ears's so...full, in a bad way. Not rough in any way at all.
Good song. :/ Gets boring, though, but good song.
I meant ...As The Future Repeats Today, actually.
Forever sombre is the heart of every evening swallowed
In ruins are the pieces that you laid in hallowed harmony
These veins are filled with ice which sleeps within the hollow
Your darkness is not waiting, it has already arrived

Coming down slow
Feel the inevitable against your skin
Let it in
How does it feel, to run out of nothing?
Where do you go, when you run out?

Never you mind, the grand perspective
Your outer forces, kept at bay
Washing out of the field of vision
To retain a sense of control
Your focus will remain unfixed
In the haze of a world unhinged

Create a sense of purpose
Around which you base your faith
The doubt that haunts your skin
An itch that will linger on
A friend of mine had a relation with the GF of a friend of his.. a rather weird story ;)
His friend never found out though. My friend and the girl broke up unfortunately.. long story short, this song begins with:

"I FUCKED YOUR GIRLFRIEND..", a line we've made many jokes about ;)
Kewl WWII jazz song.
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