Good news, in a way.

INXS I love.

TEE>>>Well, i told ya what id do in the other thread. SO, you cna get some education.

BTW, i spent many yrs getting my original SAB and ZEP vynils. SO i missed out for a while as well. I juts started buying new stuff again around 3 yrs ago.

I have around 400 cd's, not counting the cdR's.

If you like death metal, then you will dig high on fire. ANd you will dig the newer Electric wizard. And you will love the old CATHEDRAL.
troy has 1200. Shit, thats a lot.

Tell met i said HEY NOW again.

I was tellin my wife about you guys meeting at this board and going from there. SHe thought it was pretty cool.
(*whisperingstill* and some 400 vynils... that he left in Athens... but I don't like that music... )

umm, Troy hates me... cool. LOL

oh, tell your wife I said HEY NOW then, :grin: