Good quality recording cable.

Aug 16, 2011
Hey guys,
I'm looking forward to buy some good quality cables for recording. I record directly into my interface and must of the time a friend of mine reamps my stuff with an Axe-fx. So far this are some of the cables I have seen:

+ VOVOX Link Protect A

++ Monster Studio Pro 1000

Which one do you think is better? Do you have any other recommendations on the 50-75$ price range?
If you're going direct it won't matter too much as long as you dont use a 100ft cable ha. But I'd go for vovox, George l, Klotz la grange, Mogami... There is loads go price them against each other go for the cheapest for the length you're after. If you run a few pedals try the fender Custom shop cables for them, I like em.
If you're going direct it won't matter too much as long as you dont use a 100ft cable ha

Not true. This topic came up recently on another forum, so I will paste my exact response. This is not directed at you, just on the subject of.

I get this a lot. People always bite their tongue when I show them on their own instrument, what the effect of one cable can have over the other. They are always so skeptical and yet so sure of themselves. A cable is a cable dude, it's not going to make a difference. Either it works or it doesn't. Then I show them. Whether it is quality of connectors, quality of shielding, or the sacrificial goats blood coating the conductors, I really don't care. Only thing I know is that for instrument level, (guitar and bass) the Canare GS-6 with braided shield and Neutrik gold tipped connectors sound the best. For speaker level (between amp and cabinet) Pro Co cables with Neutrik gold tipped connectors sound best. For Pro Audio (Mic/Line) applications, Mogami 2549 cable with Neutrik gold tipped connectors sound the best. I build them all myself too. Probably saved at least $300 outfitting my studio with the best sounding cables my friends and I have ever heard.
Not true. This topic came up recently on another forum, so I will paste my exact response. This is not directed at you, just on the subject of.

I meant it doesn't really matter which brand he picks out of the two he posted, and the bunch I posted. They are all high quality, and I'm pretty sure the majority of them come with neutrik connectors.
Sorry to bump this thread but do you guys buy the spirit xxl wire then solder neutrik connectors or is the inst cable with hicon connectors just as good?
i use both some with self soldered neutriks and some stock ones with the hicon.
you will not hear a difference in the connectors.