Good recording Mic for Screaming AND Singing?


Nov 2, 2009
Philly USA
So I'm finally going to fork out some bucks for a decent vocal mic. I know alot of you guys swear by the SM7B for screaming, and for the price you can't really beat it. But are they any good for clean vocals as well? I always thought you wanted a condensor mic for cleans, but I could be wrong. My budget is $500-$1000 US, whatever I get I just want to make sure I can get pro results with it, even if that means spending a little more if I have to. For the price of the SM7 though, I could possibly invest in a decent condensor as well, although I'd rather get a single solution. Any recommendations?
Well John Mayer and Sheryl Crow used a sm7b for one of their album, so I'd say yes it can be used for clean singing too :p, but be sure to have a good preamp, especially if you don't sing loud.
The SM7 will work nicely for singing as well, it's used for clean vocals all the time. It doesn't have quite the air/detail of a condenser, but it's voiced really well and sits in the mix easily.

Since I tend to recommend mics that can be used for lots of different things, I'll go ahead and throw out an AKG C414 recommendation. Look for a used C414-ULS and you'll be gold for vocals and pretty much anything else.
OK, well, that's the next thing then (Guess it's ok to derail my thread a little lol). Anyone want to recommend a good preamp also? Currently I have a Profire 2626. I know the preamps in that are ok but I should get something better for vocals. If I do get something though, it would be nice to find something with optical out so I can pipe into the Profire and add an additional channel or two to my setup.

I was thinking about a ART MPA-II or DBX386. I was also contemplating going DIY and building a G9 Tube Preamp.
I say just get the SM7B and see what kind of results you can get out of it with your current setup first.

Michael Jackson and Brandon Boyd (vocalist for Incubus) are two more that have used the SM7 in the studio for clean vocals. It can definitely work.

You can get one for $300-$350... try it out. You could use the rest of the money for a nice preamp...
^Yea, I think that's exactly my game plan at this point. Looks like they're going for $300 used around these parts but I have a $50 off Guitar Center coupon good for this weekend so can get it new from there for the same price.

I've read people saying though the gain in the Profire is juuuuuust enough to use the SM7 with. I need at least 4 more inputs in my setup as is before I can track drums, so was already planning on 2 of those being higher grade than what I have now for vocals and overheads. Looks like I have my excuse to do it sooner than later.

Cory, you really got me thinking on that AKG though. Going for $650 used on ebay. Think I'll go with the SM7 for now and maybe add that in a few months.
Funeral for a friend, Fightstar, Stone Sour, Metallica, Micheal Jackson, and a whole shedload of others all up and down the clean>scream scale have used the SM7.

I really want one :(