Good snare sample anyone?


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Just wondering if any of you could give me a nice 'metal' snare sample. I'm doing a recording at the moment but the multi-samples I'm dealing with are all too full, rich and snare-ish. I'd like something more metal to blend in.

Cheers in advance.
Yeah, the Dark Tranquillity sample isn't so ideal. The Cubase sample worked well enough though, cheers.

Just gotta work out how to use write automation to take the level down during the chilled out acoustic parts.
Moonlapse said:
Just gotta work out how to use write automation to take the level down during the chilled out acoustic parts.

Automation is a piece of cake in SX...
Just expand the track you wish to automate by clicking a small + in its lower left corner and then click the R button ('Read automation'). Then you can select what to automate (I think it's volume by default) and fool around with the envelope... Or even better, if you have a mixer controller for Cubase, then click W and drag the faders during playback.
When I'm using automation in Sx I always start manually. Press the "write" knob in the track you want to automate and pull the level down, then press stop.
Then you can press this little + and the first automation you will see is the Volume Level. Then you can change the points which appeared.