Good way to get start playing

quitar? is that like a guitar you play for a week and then drop?

sorry, I had to.

easy metal songs...
Iron Man
Breaking The Law
start with those.

Here are some basic techniques you should learn if you want to play metal (and guitar in general).

Practice palm muting (the single most important metal technique, definitely). Palm muting is when you put the heel of your right hand down on the strings while picking, if you do it right you get chugs. Get rock guitar for dummies, it should explain the basics. Make some really simple riffs to practice the basic techniques.

Basic palm muting riff:
------ ------- ------- -------
For the stuff with "----" under it palm mute.

Galloping palm mute:
------------- -------------

Also, the most basic thing is the power chord. Power chords are the single most awesome thing about beginner guitar. Easy and they sound pretty sweet.
A power chord looks like this:

but many people will play it like

which is a bit easier and makes switching them easier.

Throw them together with palm mutes for some awesome shit.

------- ------- -------

Btw these riffs are written in what is called guitar tablature. It's a way to write down guitar music without having to write it the way, say, piano music is written, with the staff and shit. Makes it way, way easier.

The way to interpret it is that there's 6 lines, 1 for each string of the guitar (I assume you know the string names), although when strings aren't used sometimes people don't bother writing them in. The numbers indicate which fret you hold down on that string. Super easy.

Now, that's rhythm playing. There's also lead playing. Don't worry about that yet. But you should learn the pentatonic scale. It's movable, but start at the fifth fret.


And just play that nice and slow. The important thing is that from the beginning you should force yourself to use alternate picking. This is where when you play one note you do it by moving the pick downwards towards the floor, then you play the next note by moving it up away from the floor. Try to make yourself do this, because it's a really good habit to have, as it's absolutely essential to playing anything fast.
quitar? is that like a guitar you play for a week and then drop?

Yeah I ment guitar. :D Iron man is good song to practise. I already tried ramones-blitzkrieg bop but it`s little too fast. I didnt quiete understand that palm mute thing at first, but thank god for youtube there is some pretty good exercise videos. And thanks for the tips keep them coming. Now some practise.:kickass:
Do what I did and downpick almost everything for ages before realising how much less tiring alternate is. At least I can go way faster/more consistently just down picking than my mate now.

I can't remember what it's called because I hate them but my mate taught me some Devildriver riffs when I first got my guitar. After that the earliest songs I remember learning are Lamb of God's "As The Palaces Burn" and some songs from Amon Amarth's "Fate of Norns". I also spent loads of time while watching TV and shit just going up and down scales or just going down all the strings 1-2-3-4 then back up 5-4-3-2, down 6-7-8-9 etc.
okay, if you more or less have palm-muting (and it's like a bicycle - you never forget how) then perhaps we can move to playing actual riffs.
I forget what this is called, but this is the basic template for a lot of metal riffs:
2 strokes on the low e (open), palm muted, then 1 somewhere on the A string

like this:

and then practice practice practice those chugs

this is the opening to Amon Amarth - Pursuit of Vikings:

0-000-0-000-000 (listen to the song for the timing)
Easy as fuck.

Then the next bit is:


pretty simple. You just need to be able to do the three chugs there. Keep practicing.

Now then, other techniques:

Hammer-ons and pull offs.
Basically, you play a note and while still holding it slam another finger down on a higher fret on that string, causing the note to change. For pull-offs you do the opposite. Very simple in theory. If you have a shitty guitar these may not work to well. Practice is key. Mostly for soloing. But some riffs use them. This is one that I wrote (so please don't steal it for a song).


(10) means you do a hammer-on to that fret. Take this nice and slow.

A slide just means you play a note and while it's still ringing move to another fret without lifting off the strings. Very useful, and you can do it with single notes or chords. Great for thrash riffing. Again, my riff (that I might actually use), so I'd appreciate not hearing this on anybody's album.


Bends are pretty sweet as well. You basically while fretting the string move your finger up or down (i.e. towards you or towards the floor), thus changing the pitch (upwards, always changes the pitch up). I'm not too great with these myself, and they have limited use in riffs, but they're the heart and soul of lead guitar. Check out Celtic Frost - Procreation Of The Wicked for a riff that uses bends.

Now then, tremelo picking. If you took my advice you've tried alternate picking. Tremelo picking is pretty simple: stroke up and down really fast while holding one note. You can change notes, but unlike in shredding you play each note a bunch of times really fast. Amon Amarth do this ALL THE FUCKING TIME, as do a lot of melodic death metal bands, really.

Try this:


btw, you'll notice that most of these riffs aren't complete, in that it sounds fine if you play it once, but isn't interesting played multiple times. There are a couple ways of dealing with this:

1. Play it the same way three times and then do something different the fourth
2. Play it two different ways and alternate
3. Play it twice then switch riffs (which has the advantage of making you seem like a better guitarist even though it's actually easier :heh:)
Only ever play in 11/8 and refuse to use melodic/harmonic minor/pentatonic. >OOOooo Hungarian minor and Half tone/Whole tone ftw.
like this:

and then practice practice practice those chugs

this is the opening to Amon Amarth - Pursuit of Vikings:

0-000-0-000-000 (listen to the song for the timing)
Easy as fuck.

Easy?:cry: well it takes some time to learn all those. I´m still trying to get my fingers on power chord. I think i need biger fingers. I can do that palm mute thing but my right hand gets tired really fast. I try to keep it relaxed but it doesn`t help. Or does it need just practise to get used to it.

Only ever play in 11/8 and refuse to use melodic/harmonic minor/pentatonic. >OOOooo Hungarian minor and Half tone/Whole tone ftw.
I have no idea what your saying but okey.:loco:
Easy?:cry: well it takes some time to learn all those. I´m still trying to get my fingers on power chord. I think i need biger fingers. I can do that palm mute thing but my right hand gets tired really fast. I try to keep it relaxed but it doesn`t help. Or does it need just practise to get used to it.
That stuff should be easier for you, since it's all one finger stuff.
Anyhow, keep practicing is key. If you could describe/film the exact technique you use for palm muting we could tell you if you're doing it wrong. It shouldn't make you extra tired but then I kinda remember getting tired pretty quickly anyways when I first started out. That'll go with practice.
As for the power chords, you'll find small fingers to be a huge advantage pretty soon. Just keep going. You'll get it soon. Everything comes with practice.

I have no idea what your saying but okey.:loco:
He's trying to confuse you.