How to start playing Metal ( guitar)

HOLY SHIT, PEOPLE. There's nothing like a true beginner asking for advice and all the fucking guitar geeks coming out of the woodwork to bukkake him with their overinflated and self-important egos and obvious greater guitar prowess.

The only thing that guitarists love more than playing guitar is showing other people how much they know about playing guitar.

Dude, forget everything you just heard. It will come to you in due time. For now, learn Am I Evil? by Metallica. After that, learn Symphony of Destruction by Megadeth.

You'll know when you're ready to move forward.

If you want my advice, and you can take it or leave it, but learn riffs, not solos. Alternate time signatures, countertime, polyrhythms, etc. are much more difficult to learn than your average finger olympic contestant. Why? Because if you just play the same thing over and over and over again until you develop your muscle memory, eventually you will naturally get faster. With polyrhythms, odd time signatures, and such you have to not only fight with your fingers, you have to fight with your BRAIN. Hence, in my humble opinion, a really tight, able and good rhythm guitarist is more valuable than just another guy who learned sweep arpeggios in a few months and incorporates them into every single song without saying anything whatsoever.

David Gilmour has more to say in one note than Yngwie ever will.
Sweep picking isn't that difficult with practice. Honestly, I'm a terrible guitarist, because I never practice, but one day I sat down and practiced sweeping just for the hell of it. After about half an hour, I could play a low / mid tempo sweep over four strings.
I agree with whoever said to start by learning power chords. If you can play a power chord and have a distortion pedal you can play along with most rock songs not just metal. It should be fun. If you're having fun then learning scales/modes and all the rest of it will be good, otherwise it will be like the most boring class in school that you ever hated. When you're ready to start learning scales start with the minor pentatonic, it's probably the most used scale for soloing in all rock/metal so you'll get the most payoff for your effort.

As for teachers... a teacher can be really helpful but isn't necessary. There are tons of books available and if you have a half way decent library system you can get some really great books to look at for free.
haha you're kidding, right?

i tried to play stabwound by necrophagist...i gave up after a few days...
"sweep picking kills, don't sweep pick"!!!

Keep at it the song isn't actually that hard, in fact it's one of the easier phagist songs. If you're struggling with the sweeps leave out the solos :lol: But really they're not that bad. Muhammad tends to use the same patterns over and over. In fact most guitarists are using the same patterns with maybe the odd note added in. Just keep practicing them.

Sweep picking isn't that difficult with practice. Honestly, I'm a terrible guitarist, because I never practice, but one day I sat down and practiced sweeping just for the hell of it. After about half an hour, I could play a low / mid tempo sweep over four strings.

Great to hear. When I first learned to sweep pick I wasn't that great but a few hours of practice can do wanders. You may not notice at the time but by the next day you'll be like fuck did I just do that?