good weekend


Went Out for Smokes 13 Years Ago
Jul 19, 2004
south of washington
parents were in town, took me and some mates friday for kickass indian food, then i got wasted

saturday chilled with the folks, bought me FOOOOD at the grocery store :kickass:

then saturday night played a show with a couple local bands, one of which is a death metal band of dudes that dress up like klingons and do the whole show in character. definitely not kidding.

some scrawny drunk asshole almost got his ass beat by the probably 6'8", 250 lb vocalist, who was a witty motherfucker and managed to verbally abuse him into submission. we played pretty poorly but everyone had fun and the klingons gave us pot brownies (friend's comment: "it makes so much sense!!")

then i went to the comic book convention yesterday, which was entertaining. and had the second practice with my new band last night :headbang:

so how was everybody else's weekend

edit: forgot to mention, no class this morning, history prof is out of town :cool:
yeah it's a conquistador helmet, we borrowed costumes from the theater dept :lol:

and in case anyone forgot, it's a joke band and the point is to look as stupid as possible ;)

but i know, so not metal...can't wait to play a show with the new band, my metal cred is suffering from lack of grimness
cthulufhtagn said:

neglected to mention, the singer only has one hand

makes him like 50% more threatening

WHOA!!!! :err: interesting!

My weekend was pretty mellow...
friday night did my sushi-wine night (its basically me and some friends eating sushi and staying up all night talking, while drinking one
bottle after another... mmmm wine!)
Saturday I went to see WASP :D:D:D:D
and Sunday it was me being very lazy at home.

I need to check out that Klingons band... hehe