Goodbye, And Thank You


Apr 30, 2008
Hello everyone...

I know most of you don't know me and i haven't been very active but i'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of the users for sharing invaluable amount of information and awesome music...

Though i just started recording and producing 6 months ago, I'm afraid i'm going to have to take a year long break. I'm going to college to study Computer Science and Engineering and i'm not supposed to take a personal computer or a laptop (i know its stupid...) for the first year and, well, won't be taking my electric guitar or podx3 with me for that first year either...

So i have an all acoustic year ahead of me at college :p

I would have loved to try and continue but i will be back in years time...

Ofcourse, whenever i get the opportunity, i will take the time to browse through this forum in hopes of amazing music and killer tips, but it saddens me to think that i won't be able to increase my own production skills.

Thank You all and hope Life's good to you

Good Bye
Wait, why can't you take your own computer? What is this, a fucking cram camp? And are the electric/pod not allowed either, or is that just a (stupid ;)) personal choice? Doesn't sound worth it man...
Well, supposedly, i'm not allowed to take a computer as they'll provide them in the labs for the first year... But that is only for project work, so no recording on that.

And about the pod n electric, well, i don't know how the environment is there... i said i'll wait a year to take those too cause we get a twin sharing room in the first year and then single rooms from the second year onwards, so i though it might be better then... hopefully it'll all be fine and i'll be able to take my electric and pod in a few months though...

Nothing Nazi... they want to promote "group learning" with shared PCs :p
i say fuck them and bring da shitzz with you... play hiding in the closet whatever................shittt what kind of school is thato_O
be carefull don´t get lobotomised
Well goodbye and have fun! When I went to my first year of school, they tried to tell us we couldn't bring instruments and all that to the dorms, but after about a week we said fuck it and brought some guitars. My roomie had a Recto and Mesa 4x12 in their too :) Couldn't play it loud but whatever. A few times he took it out into the common area and cranked the living shit out of it and pissed off the whole building haha.
Its not that we're not allowed to bring instruments (mine won't even be loud, pod->headphones)...
Its just that i'm abit apprehensive about taking my only electric guitar and very recently purchased pod...i know...i'm paranoid...
i leave in 24 hours, so hopefully when i visit my hometown in a few months, my apprehensions would have cleared, allowing me to take the stuff along.
The gear isn't expensive, but still, i'm afraid of it getting stolen most of all. That's why i want to take it in the second year when we are alloted individual rooms instead of sharing rooms.
But hey, if that doesn't work out, i'll learn all my chops and get tight on the acoustic i have with very high action and no cutaway... i guess if i can get good on the acoustic, i can play most of that stuff on the electric...And, i get to practice cleanly :p

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