Goodbye Cruel Board


Papa Opeth
May 19, 2001
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Not that anyone cares - I guess I really don't either.

But I would venture to say the transformation is complete. This has become a board of whiny ass babies who want to cry about their pathetic little lives, and pull people down into their little fucked up worlds.

Hey - I don't mind at all. It's absolutely is your right - you all say it - it's just the internet, a place to do whatever you please.

Well - Happy New Years anyways, and I truely hope you all enjoy just another place to spew your worthless garbage.

It really is a shame though - that you find victory in destruction.
You give up hope too easily. Call me naive, but I believe forums go through phases like this. Especially considering what time of the year it is. I'm sure things will settle down eventually.
I hope metalmancpa, that when you say 'goodbye cruel board' your referring to the nature of the board itself changing irreperably (sp?), and not to the potential loss of one of it's most insightful and intelligent posters... yourself.

As bad as things may appear to be right now, if people like yourself were to leave this board, it would enter a whole new level of 'suck-rilege'.:cry:

Even when I wasn't posting on these boards but was just simply observing, it was a worthwhile (and still is to an extent) use of my time due to the quality of discussions between members like yourself.

Hey you never know, perhaps the younger generation will get bored of posting here once the holidays are over, and things will return to some semblance of normalcy........:)
metalmancpa - Can you give some examples to posts\threads that makes you think that?
I honestly have no idea what you're talking about, i dont see anyone crying about their lives here...:confused:

Of course, when more and more people are joyning the board, these things ("quality" of the discussions) are bound to change, mostly for the worse, but im glad to say that if you'll go check some other boards, this board is pretty much bullshit-clean.

So please point me to those things that bother you, maybe we see them in a different way.

Happy new year :)
Old people gives ups too easy when annoyance is present. Ive seen his type before, even stole an irc channel from one such as he, just because he was too tired and fed up after 3 months of mental wars. A shame he lives, yet not a surprise i think he has been holding in a lot of stuff why else would he make such an statement. Maybe is his new years 'resolution' to stop wasting time with anoying kids.
Old people gives ups too easy when annoyance is present. Ive seen his type before, even stole an irc channel from one such as he, just because he was too tired and fed up after 3 months of mental wars. A shame he lives, yet not a surprise i think he has been holding in a lot of stuff why else would he make such an statement. Maybe is his new years 'resolution' to stop wasting time with anoying kids.

just die
i dont want to fuckin argue anymore man. people are leaving the fuckin forum because of it now. i think its gay but thats whats happening. im saying give it up to the fact that your trying to be the board asshole. were wasting our fuckin time. I like it sometimes when we get into a heated argument about a topic but now its just getting out of hand.
You know, there is an ignore feature on this board. I have decided to utilize it on all those sorry souls who will never get a clue. It works best if the majority of you do the same.

If it's possbile, we should petition to have a few members banned. There's only so much compassion one can give.
Satori's system does not works, as you can see you are out of "compassion" now. I do suggest for you 2 and some other of my fans that put up the word with mark about me being the board asshole, in fact trow everyone you think also is childish and annoying on the least, the weak shall quit and the strong shall find their way back with another account. Just as the weak are quiting while the strong are ignoring me, let it be justice for the injustice ones :p
I was commenting about the place - this board. I never said I gave up - I just said Happy New Years with an attitude. I'm just a little more indirect than the rest of you. Man - you guys can all dish it out pretty well, but can't take getting slapped around a little.

You think I would "give up" over one night? Look around - other long-timers here seem to have dwindled, but I'm still around.

Misanthrope - careful buddy - I threw nothing out personal, yet you make it personal. "Old" people like me? You have no idea what the hell you are talking about. The annoyances are quite trivial to me, and I still will be here.

There are still a few here who have a clue what I'm trying to say - but I still think some don't listen. I do think this board, though never like the beginning of the summer, will come around. It should - there are too many good people here with a lot to say - and I want to listen.

So - good night all. Have a good one.
Seriously do i look like a careful person to you? like the kind of person who cares?. Well maybe i do, and btw i have a doubt? was your inicial statement in this thread incoherent crap? or is that your real opinion and all of your other 1000's of posts are the incoherent crap?. I would usually think the first thing but there is that saying that says " Behind every joke truth lies"
MMCPA, Happy New Year to you to.
Misanthrope, same to you. Work on those 'tallica riffs, and get laid.