Goodbye Cruel Board

Originally posted by metalmancpa
Not that anyone cares - I guess I really don't either.

But I would venture to say the transformation is complete. This has become a board of whiny ass babies who want to cry about their pathetic little lives, and pull people down into their little fucked up worlds.

Hey - I don't mind at all. It's absolutely is your right - you all say it - it's just the internet, a place to do whatever you please.

Well - Happy New Years anyways, and I truely hope you all enjoy just another place to spew your worthless garbage.

It really is a shame though - that you find victory in destruction.
Hey daddy dont do this to me :cry:!!! You didn't even give me my gifts. We need your parental guidance!

Seriously now! Even though i might not agree w you in some issues u know what r u talking about, when u talk! And that is the most important thing to a discussion!
Come on guys, hes nt leaving, how many times has he said that!?!?!?!?!
That is the problem, you don't pay attention to what people are saying, and jump to far into your own mental (someitmes personal) reactions. Hes just saying whats on his mind, the name of the thread is just a bit mis-leading
Originally posted by Morningrise
Come on guys, hes nt leaving, how many times has he said that!?!?!?!?!
That is the problem, you don't pay attention to what people are saying, and jump to far into your own mental (someitmes personal) reactions. Hes just saying whats on his mind, the name of the thread is just a bit mis-leading


Yes - we must all pay attention - including myself. And now that I look at the title........
:eek: I go away for a few weeks....

But I think (I know this isn't the case) but if we lost MMCPA, we'd be losing a lot, reading the above posts by him.... All I can say is I have a lot of respect for what he's been saying, and the man himself. Even if he is an old.... :p ;)

Whilei don'tknow the detailsof whats been happening here for the last however long, I can guess, and its a shame...

But hey :D How is everyone? :D